Columbus County Partnership for Children (CCPC) is teaming up with the Columbus County Arts Council to give parents of children ages 3-5 the opportunity to showcase their child’s artwork in a real art gallery.
“It’s not often that I’ve seen artwork by children under 5 displayed beyond a classroom wall or fridge at home, and not every child gets to experience that,” said Kayla Henson, CCPC outreach coordinator. “Displaying a child’s art is so important; it can build their self-esteem and foster their creativity. We wanted to encourage and celebrate young children in a formal way to help them feel valued, proud and accomplished.”
As part of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)’s Week of the Young Child, CCPC will be collecting artwork until March 25 for its Children’s Art Show at the Columbus County Arts Council.
Submissions must be either on cardstock paper up to size 8.5” x 11,” on canvas up to size 8” x 10,” or a sculpture of any size sitting on a base.
“We wanted to give children the option to express themselves without many constraints, so there is no theme,” said Henson. “When children create freely, not only do they tend to enjoy themselves more, they also tend to learn more. At CCPC, we want to help children build the skills they need to be ready for Kindergarten. Creating freely helps them develop these skills. Even the simple act of mixing colors can help children explore cause and effect.”
The gallery will be up from April 4-17 and is available for viewing Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by appointment. The Arts Council will host a reception for the children and their families April 10 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., during which light refreshments will be served.
The art show is non-competitive. Every participant will receive a participation ribbon and recognition from peers and adults.
For more information call 910.499.4547 or email khenson@columbussmartstart.org.
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