Candidates Invited to Share Their Stands

This is an election year, and it’s going to be a nasty one. While we will not hesitate to share opinions on the Columbus Connection podcast or in the commentary section on the CCN website, we are going to be fair. That being said, we encourage any and all candidates to schedule a segment on our program.

It’s free. You won’t be ambushed. We do not want candidates coming in here talking smack about their opponents, but we do want to know why you want whatever job you’ve signed up for. Every candidate, for every office, can have 20 minutes of airtime, free, with Jefferson Weaver. There’s no selective editing, no gotcha questions, no ambushes.
. We don’t openly or covertly endorse candidates on WTXY radio or  Columbus County News Dot Com, nor will we ever do so. Our readers and listeners – and your voters – deserve better than that. We are a different kind of media outlet at CCN, and that includes being fair to folks whose platforms we not appreciate.

Early voting starts Feb. 15, and that really isn’t very far away. Due to the wide field of primary candidates for the March 4 election, we will be extending the program to one hour  on those weeks when we have candidates lined up to visit. That means there’s time for three candidates per show. Sometimes we might do more. The goal is to get everyone on the air before Feb. 15, but if that doesn’t happen, we’ll adjust accordingly. That’s only fair, and just as the Apostle Paul said the appearance of impropriety is improper, we do not want to even have the appearance of being unfair.

We will also welcome the leaders of any and all parties to join us for a segment. Democrat or Republican, Green, No Labels, or Libertarian, you are welcome to spend some time explaining to voters why you think your party deserves more support. Again – it’s not a free chance to throw mud. It’s an opportunity to explain to the voters why YOUR party deserves more consideration.

While we prefer in-studio guests, we can in some cases make arrangements for you to call in.

Segments are 20 minutes long, although you can take less if you prefer. Everyone is busy, especially during election season, so we will get you in and out of our studio and office in 30 minutes. We don’t want anyone to feel like their time is less valuable.

There are multiple ways you can connect with us to set up your time slot.  Call Jefferson Weaver, at 910.632.4965. Email Send us a PM on Facebook. Or just come by 1015 South Madison Street in Whiteville. If the blinds are open, we’re open for business.

Our format is like a front porch – just a relaxed, civil conversation. You are welcome to pull up a chair and spend some time here.

About Jefferson Weaver 2393 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at