CCN Community Hero

Columbus County Health Director Kim Smith is retiring this year after 20 years with the county. Miss Kim has been in the forefront in the battles of reducing unwanted pregnancy, mosquitoes and skeeter-borne illnesses, drug abuse, child dental health, mental health, and of course, the pandemic. She has never been a loud voice, but always a strong and confident one when it comes to matters pertaining to the health needs of Columbus County. Smith was recently honored statewide as health director of the year. County commissioners thanked her for her service Monday at their regular meeting.

She has never been one to talk down to folks in need, and has always been a fierce advocate for the children in Columbus County. While she is a dedicated health care worker, Miss Kim also has been a good steward of tax dollars, pursuing every additional dime that could be located for the health of the people of Columbus, increasing and improving services while avoiding requests that might require a tax increase.

Kim Smith has truly shown what kind of quality people call Columbus County home, and continues to work hard – too hard, some might say – trying to keep Columbus County healthy. She may have just been doing her job, but she’s always done more than that. For her years of unsung heroism, Kim Smith is our Good Samaritan of the Week.

Health Department Director Kim Smith was honored by county commissioners Monday. (Columbus county photo)


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