Small Flock Chicken Workshop

Spring is just around the corner! Come learn some important information for your small chicken flock. The NC Cooperative Extension-Bladen County Center invites local poultry enthusiasts to attend the Small Flock Chicken Workshop on Thursday, [Read More]

🌪 Statewide Tornado Drills

🌪 Statewide Tornado Drills on Friday, March 7. South Carolina drill will be at 9 AM North Carolina is at 9:30 AM. Do you have a plan in place, at home or work, if a [Read More]

Celebrate National Ag Day with SCC

Celebrate National Ag Day with SCC Join SCC’s Agribusiness Technology Program as we celebrate National Ag Day on Tuesday, March 18th, from 9–11 AM! Location: Southeastern Community College, A Building Lawn Date & Time: Tuesday, [Read More]

Food Bank * Pop Up Market –

FREE Food Distribution! No ID requirements. Available to ALL jerusalem chapel free will baptist church 6224 chadbourn hwy., Chadbourn MARCH 19 from 2pm-4pm


BINGO for Seniors

Bingo is happening on Friday, March 21! Please be sure to spread the news and let all the seniors know. There will be lots of laughter, food, and fun!

Beef Cattle Basics Series

Beef Cattle Basics Series Columbus County Cooperative Extension Office - Whiteville March 25, 2025 6:00 pm -7:30 pm April 29, 2025 6:00 pm -7:30 pm May 27, 2025. 6:oo pm -7:30 pm Click here to [Read More]

Vietnam Veterans Recognition Lunch

** Event Has  Been  Canceled ** Vietnam Veterans Recognition Lunch Honoring those who served and commemorating Nations Vietnam Veterans Day (March 29) and the 52nd Anniversary since US Troops left South Vietnam. March 28 from [Read More]

Wreath Laying Ceremony

The Veterans Memorial Park of America will host a wreath laying ceremony to commemorate Vietnam Veterans Day. Saturday March 29 Starting at 9:00 a.m. refreshments will be served afterwards. The park is located at 6354 [Read More]

Free Rabies Clinics

Columbus County Sheriff’s Animal Protective Services offering two FREE Rabies Clinics in April. Come on out with your dogs, cats and ferrets for their yearly vaccine. We have an event lined up on both ends of Columbus County [Read More]
