Council members will consider the next step for improvements to the sewer system along Mollie’s Branch in western Whiteville when they meet Tuesday.
Phase One of the improvements is anticipated to cost $1.21 million, with the city providing $94,946 in cash and borrowing $1.115 million from the State Reserve Program. Actual construction costs are budgeted at $975,359; planning and design, $98,910, with the remaining expenses coming from bidding assistance, surveying and legal fees.
Like most governing body meetings, inperson attendance is prohibited due to the COVI-19 pandemic. Council meetings will be in a virtual format via Microsoft Teams to comply with social distancing guidelines and prevent the spread of virus.
The virtual meeting will be broadcast for viewing by the public via the City’s webpage, https://whitevillenc.gov . Any person may be heard by the City Council, through the City Clerk. Public comment(s) may be submitted per meeting under the Public Comments heading. Members of the public may submit written comments by emailing the comments to bwilliams@ci.whiteville.nc.us. Written public comments must be received twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. Viewers may submit comments via the Q&A function located inside the Microsoft Teams application. Electronic presentations must be provided to staff for screening no later than 2 p.m. on the day of the meeting.