Lake Waccamaw voters will get the chance to decide whether to allow liquor by the drink and on-premises sale and consumption of beer and wine this fall.
Mayor Daniel Hilburn said the three measures – one each for beer, wine and mixed drinks – will be on the ballot. The commissioners approved a resolution Tuesday night to include the referendums on the ballot.
The mayor said he had to contact the ABC Commission after visiting the Board of Elections Wednesday to make the referenda official.
“We’re kind of rushing on this, but it will be there for people to vote on,” Hilburn said.
Hilburn said the move comes at the request of a number of residents and business owners. He said it could be a major economic shot in the arm for the town.
“We have the old Lake Cove restaurant that has been closed for years,” he said. “There are some other businesses that might look closer at Lake Waccamaw if we can offer this. I think it’s a good thing for the citizens to decide on.”