Two containers of a substance believed to be marijuana and a firearm sent a Tabor City man to jail Wednesday.
Zachary Dashad Green, 22, of 120 Jamaica Queen Lane, Tabor City, was jailed under a $32,500 secured bond, charged with possession of a firearm by a felon, possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana, and paraphernalia, as well as failure to appear, according to jail reports.
Green was stopped by a Highway Patrol trooper for speeding on Swamp Fox Highway just after 10 a.m., according to the sheriff’s office. The trooper smelled marijuana in the car, and when he ran Green’s license, he discovered Green was wanted for failure to appear.
When a deputy was called to assist in the arrest, a search dog found marijuana in two locations in the vehicle, as well as a .380 Smith and Wesson handgun in a center console.