Angie Fowler credits her husband with helping her start Down South Home Décor and Gifts.
The Fowlers were mourning the loss of their son, Mrs. Fowler said, and her husband wanted her to find something to fight off her building depression.
“This was something I had wanted to do,” she said.
Down South held a ribbon cutting last week at 108-B S. Main, Tabor City. The store has a little something for everyone, Mrs. Fowler said. Her cousin Michelle Branton helps out part-time at the store.
Mrs. Fowler said she tries to keep a wide variety of items available for customers seeking something a little different.
“We have Bibles and devotionals,” she said, “antique furniture, wreaths, and general home décor. We also have cemetery arrangements.”
The business is just the latest to make its home in downtown Tabor. Mrs. fowler said everyone is welcome to drop by and browse the aisles for just the right gift or décor for almost ay home. She said she hopes the store will be a big success.
“This is the way God led us to go,” she said.