Columbus Regional urges masks in new campaign

John Young of CRHS
John Young of CRHS

John Young is President and CEO of Columbus Regional Healthcare.

Leading community organizations have agreed to join Columbus Regional in our 90-day campaign to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Our ability to control the virus over the next three months will be critical for all of us as the onset of colder weather, the beginning of flu season, COVID fatigue, and social and family holiday gatherings all increase the risk of the virus spreading. 

The theme of our campaign is “Make Your Community Safer” along with the hashtag #maskupcolumbus. It’s in everyone’s best interests to consistently practice these simple, critical behaviors that truly make a difference. 

Columbus Regional wants to have enough staff and capacity to safely care for our patients as they have come to expect. City and County Governments, along with the Health Department, want a healthy community. The School Systems want everyone back in the classroom. Businesses do not want to close down again, and all employers want a productive, healthy workforce. Churches want their members back in church and skilled nursing facilities want visitors to return. All of us want our friends and family to avoid contracting this deadly virus. 

Hospitals across the country are being overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, sometimes beyond their capacity to provide care to everyone in need. The threat to our community also being severely overwhelmed is very real. Please join our team, and the teams throughout our community, by doing your part to “Make Your Community Safe” by practicing the three “Ws”; Wear a Mask, Wait 6 feet apart, and Wash your hands often. 

Thank you, 

John Young

About Jefferson Weaver 2637 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at