Lamar Parker’s arrest after a high speed crash that injured seven people was his third since last summer.

Parker, 19, was charged with driving while license revoked, careless and reckless, speeding, fictitious registration, and a seat belt violation. His bond was set at $7,000, but jumped to $92,500 after a previous bond was rescinded. His address was listed as 8465 Burkhead St., Whiteville.
The crash occurred Wednesday afternoon as Parker allegedly fled from Highway Patrol troopers attempting a traffic stop. Parker sped up West Williamson Street and collided almost head-on with Anita Adams.
Adams, a volunteer with the Veterans Memorial Park of America, had been grocery shopping for Friday’s veterans dinner at the fairgrounds. She had her daughter and five grandchildren, including a toddler, in the vehicle, according to family members. Adams sustained a broken arm, and all the passengers were hurt to some extent. The youngest passenger was airlifted to Grand Strand Medical Center.
Parker was arrested in January as part of Operation Submit A Tip, a narcotics roundup by the sheriff’s office, according to court records. He was held under a $40,000 secured bond on charges of felony possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, possession of a stolen firearm, possession of a firearm by a felon, maintaining a vehicle for drug activities, and carrying a concealed weapon.

In July 2020, Parker allegedly sold opiates to an undercover operative out of Parker’s home on Four Oaks Drive. When deputies executed a search warrant on the home, parker fled. He was tracked down and captured by K-9 Deputy Law. It was one of Law’s first official actions as a canine with the sheriff’s office.
Parker was also arrested Feb. 19, 2020, for possession for manufacture, sale and delivery of opiates, cocaine and heroin, and maintaining a dwelling for drug activities. He was held under $1.25 million bond in that case.
The Highway Patrol is investigating Wednesday’s crash.