All Columbus County schools participate in providing meals for children and teens 18 and under and will continue until July 15. The full meals, which will include an entrée, a grain (bread, pasta, noodles, etc.) and milk, can be picked up at the schools between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
“This is not the first time we have participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Summer Food Service Program,” said Kimberly Clontz, Child Nutrition Director of Columbus County Schools. “Things are going well this summer.”
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally funded and state-administered program. The Columbus County School System have participated for two years at various school sites, and this year all county schools are taking part.

The SFSP reimburses providers who serve free healthy meals to children and teens in low income areas during the summer months when school is not in session. All children and teens in the area are allowed to participate in the program.
“If the USDA continues to offer the SFSP, we would like to participate in the program,” says Clontz.
Meals are available at the following schools:
Acme-Delco Elementary
Cerro Gordo Elementary
Chadbourn Elementary
East Columbus JR/SR High
Evergreen Elementary
Hallsboro / Artesia Elementary
Old Dock Elementary
Tabor City Elementary
Tabor City Middle
West Columbus High
Williams Township