Two Tabor City men are traveling half a world away to spread the word of God.
Robert Nealey, a schoolteacher and minister, booked his flight this week to Kenya, along with John Causey, international bishop for their mission program, New Life Outreach. Causey took over the mission after the death of the founder, Rev. Grover Hunt of Eden, in 2004.

Rev. Hunt left a huge impact on the people of Kenya when he founded the mission in 1979 to feed and clothe the poor, and most importantly, to bring them the gospel of Christ, the men said.
While the pandemic has added several stipulations and made finding a round trip flight difficult, with many prayers and some good fortune the two ministers are moving forward with their plans to leave on July 27. They plan to return to the states Aug. 10.
This trip will be a little different since Kenya has strict Covid-19 rules in place, including restrictions on the gathering of large crowds outdoors. They will, however, still be able to have people from the local churches come to feed them.

(Right) Rev. Causey with some of the students at the church.
“At 17 or 18 I had dreams of me preaching in Africa,” said Nealey. “At the time I didn’t even know I was called to preach, but in my dreams of preaching, I was preaching in Africa. All these years I am just now answering the call. I was 36 when I went to Africa for the first time. That was about 18 years after those dreams.”
Nealey went on to say he had no hesitation to travel abroad as he leaves behind a wife and three sons, and that his only concern was geared more towards the actual flight than being in a foreign country.

Since it was founded, New Life Outreach Mission has since grown from one church built by Rev. Hunt to 25 churches in Kenya, where the ministry is feeding, clothing and helping the poor financially. After Causey took over the mission, New Life Outreach Mission has since been licensed and established by the state of Kenya.
Causey has been to many countries in his missions, including India, Madagascar, and Tanzania. The new goal for their mission is to start an orphanage in Kenya.
Kenya can be a shock for Americans, the men explained.
“Piles of trash were lined up along the road,” Nealey said of his past visit to Kenya. “If you picture a third world country, with starving children – even the cattle are starving – with no grocery stores, this is it.
“The first thing you smell is smoke and dirt. There’s no refrigeration since most places don’t have electricity, so if you want fresh chicken, you have to go to the butcher.”

He continued about the impoverished country and how badly they needed help over there.
“A day’s pay over there is the equivalent to five U.S. dollars,” said Nealey.
If you would like to help the New Life Outreach Mission or donate towards the orphanage, contact Causey at 910.234.5866 or Nealey at Robertnealey@yahoo.com
The mission also accepts donated items such as Bibles, canned tuna (a favorite of Kenyans), peanut butter and toothbrushes. New Life Outreach Mission appreciates any items or donations you can make towards the mission.