Small businesses can find out more about how to do business with the state at a free seminar here Sept. 25.
The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a workshop to help small business owners learn where DOT offers contracts and how to bid on those jobs. DOT awards contracts in mowing, litter pickup, landscaping, snow and ice removal, traffic control, painting, striping, and road construction, among other jobs. Much of the work is performed by small businesses, usually as subcontractors.
Disadvantaged Business Owners (minority and female ownership) are encouraged to attend the seminar, but all small businesses who could do work with the state are welcome.
Highway Division 6 staff will be on hand to discuss the types of contracts, advertisements for upcoming projects, as well as letting and award processes, and how small businesses can become prequalified in order to do work for NCDOT or be a subcontractor. Southeastern Community College will also have staff on hand to present the resources they have available to assist small businesses.
The seminar is from 10 a.m. until noon in the Building G. Auditorium at SECC.
For more information got to ncdot.gov/highwaysdbe.