Town awarded sewer, pedestrian/bike plan grants
Lake Waccamaw has hired of the town’s first female firefighter, and was recently awarded grants for sewer improvements and a bicycle and pedestrian plan.
Jordan Smith has been a volunteer at the Lake Waccamaw Fire Department for two years, and a part-time employee for more than four months. Smith was hired last month to fill the town’s empty full-time firefighter position. She is working under former chief Jerry Gore, who is currently filling in as Lake Waccamaw’s fire consultant since his retirement in June.
“As a firefighter, it is very rewarding to help people in their time of need and I’m looking forward to helping people, right here, in my own community ” Smith stated in the town’s digital newsletter.
Lake Waccamaw was also awarded $70,000 in disaster relief funds in addition to the $325,000 already received from the Golden LEAF Grant. The money will go toward sewer improvements for pump station upgrades.
The N. C. Department of Transportation granted the town $45,000 for a bicycle and pedestrian plan. The purpose of the plan is to collect data that will help to determine where walking and bike lanes should be placed throughout the town. A $5,000 match will be discussed at the next commissioners meeting. The board will meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 9.