Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Columbus County is absolutely ready for the holidays this year. Covid-19 may have put many things on the back burner in 2020, but the area is going big or going home this season.
• The Holiness Tabernacle Church will be having a chicken bog plate sale on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. on the Ritz Stage in Tabor City. Plates are $8 each and will include chicken bog, yams, green beans, a roll, and cake. Drinks will be available for purchase for $1. All proceeds for the event will go towards the church’s building fund. For more information or directions, call 910.641.2504.
• Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue will need volunteers Saturday, Nov. 13 at the Fair Bluff Big Cat Sanctuary to complete installation of the perimeter fencing and remaining construction for the first 7 acres of the facility. If you would like to help, please contact Rhonda Burney Billeaud at 910.840.1886 or via Facebook.

• The N.C. Museum of Science will be hosting the Waccamaw Siouan Heritage Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 13. This outdoor event will be from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and is free to the public.
For more information, call the museum at 910.788.5108.
• Whiteville City Schools will be hosting a Thanksgiving food drive happening now through Nov. 19. The purpose of the drive is to help provide a Thanksgiving meal to families in need in the community. Items needed include gravy, can veggies, macaroni and cheese, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, turkey, cake mix and icing, cornbread mix, and ham.
If you would like to help, the drop-off location is at the Whiteville City Schools central office on 107 West Walter Street. Donations will be accepted from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. For more information, call Shenicka Banks at 910.642.3546 ext. 4223 or by email at sbanks@whiteville.k12.nc.us.
• The East Columbus Friends of the Library of Riegelwood is having a quilt raffle. All proceeds will go to the upkeep and maintenance of the building as well as the $1,200 a year insurance cost. Tickets are $1. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 910.655.4157. You can also visit the library located at 103 Church Road in Riegelwood.
• Adopt a Family: Operation Christmas is accepting applications through Wednesday, Dec. 15. The purpose of the campaign is to sponsor families in the Triad area of North Carolina in their efforts to provide their children and family with a better Christmas holiday. Consideration is granted for financial need. For more information, contact Tatyana Frink at 910.207.2029.

• Whiteville Parks and Recreations is now holding registration online for Winter Youth Basketball. Entries will be taken through Dec. 3. The cost is $15 for city residents, and $25 for county residents. The program is for youth 5-16 years old. Visit www.parksrec.egov.basgov.com to sign up or you can register at Whiteville City Hall.
• StarMed will be hosting four Covid-19 vaccine clinics during the month of November for all ages. Each clinic will be from 3 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. The Nov. 15 event will be held at Williams Township School. Acme-Delco Elementary will host the Nov. 17 clinic, and East Columbus High School will host the Nov. 18 event. On Nov. 23, StarMed will be at West Columbus High School.
• The Veteran’s Memorial Park committee will be having their monthly meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18. If you are interested in helping or donating to the park, please contact Angela Norris at 910.840.3848. The organization is also looking for individual and business-corporate sponsors.
• Columbus County Schools will meet on Thursday, Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. in the Williams Township School cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the public to direct questions to the superintendent and the leadership team. Questions can be submitted in advance by going to the Columbus County Schools website. Attendees can also ask questions at the meeting in person or online via the livestream that will be available on the schools’ website.
• The Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Tourism will be hosting the annual Shuck and Shag Oyster Roast at Vineland Station in Whiteville. The event will be held on Nov. 18 from 5:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. There will be oysters, chili, dancing, and raffle prizes. Tickets are $40 and include two drinks. Call the chamber at 910.642.3171 for more information or to purchase your tickets now.

• Edgewood Elementary will be celebrating the school’s 65th anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 18. The event will start off with a parade at 5 p.m. Lineup will be in front of Whiteville High School at 4:30 p.m. The parade will end at Edgewood Elementary with an outdoor reception. Afterwards, student ambassadors will lead tours around the campus. At 6 p.m., the Edgewood Elementary 65th Anniversary Program is set to begin. The program will include performances by EES Chorus and Step Team, a history slideshow, and greetings from former EES students and staff.
• The Veterans Memorial Park will hold a fundraising steak dinner November 20 at the fairgrounds. The Blackwater band will be performing. There will be gun raffles, a silent auction, and more. Tickets are $50 each. Contact anyone with the park for more information. You can also purchase your tickets at the Columbus County News Office, 1015 S. Madison Street, Whiteville.
• COVID cancelled the Carolina Youth Coonhunt Challenge last year, but the event is returning in all its noisy glory November 20.

Sponsored by the Columbus County Coon Hunters, the event is a day dedicated to letting young coon hunters and their hounds show off their skills. There is no charge for participants, and young hunters of all ages and skill, levels are welcome.
For more information, call 910.840.9269.
November is turkey shoot time, and we have plenty of them going on around these parts.
Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department is every Friday and Saturday night during the month. The shoot will also be open the night before Thanksgiving on Nov. 24. Shooting starts at 7 p.m. Food and drinks will be available.
The 701 Turkey Shoot is every Friday through November. The event is located at 7971 James B. White Highway South in Whiteville. Starting time is 7 p.m.
Abundant Life Assembly of God will be holding their annual turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday night throughout the month of November at 6:30 p.m. There will be special rounds for children and ladies. The concession stand will be open for food and refreshments. The church is located at 5384 James B. White Highway South in Whiteville.
The annual Tabor City Fire Department Turkey Shoot is set for Nov. 19-24. Shooting starts at 6:30 each evening. The event will not be open Sunday, Nov. 21. It’s located on the 701 By-Pass right up from Adam’s Seafood in Tabor City.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.