Thursday may be turkey day, but Christmas is closing in on Columbus County in a big way. From the western end to the eastern side, everyone is getting in on the holiday spirit with helpful hands and open hearts.
• Buckhead Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department is taking brand new unwrapped toys again this year for Toys for Tots. You may drop the toys off at the fire department and make Christmas special for a child in need.
• They will also be having a Lights Out Turkey Shoot on Nov. 20 and Nov. 27 starting at 6:30 p.m. Candy, hot chocolate, coffee, and drinks will be available for purchase. There will be a lights out round for a chance to win half the pot. The fire department is located at 6810 Old Lake Rd., Buckhead.
• The Whiteville City Schools Board of Education will be hosting 2021 Angel Tree event. Folks in the community are asked to sponsor a less fortunate child by calling 910.642.3546 extension 4223. Gifts can include bikes, toys, clothes, winter coats, shoes, and other items. Angel gifts are due by Dec. 10 at 3 p.m. and can be dropped off at the board of education located at 107 W. Walter St., Whiteville.
• COVID cancelled the Carolina Youth Coonhunt Challenge last year, but the event is returning in all its noisy glory Saturday, Nov. 20. Sponsored by the Columbus County Coon Hunter, Coastal Coon Hunters and Twin State Coon Club, the event in Hallsboro is dedicated to letting young coon hunters and their hounds show off their skills. There is no charge for participants, and young hunters of all ages and skill levels are welcome. For more information, call 910.840.9269.
• Welcome Home Boutique is teaming up with Union Valley Baptist Church for a youth fundraising event. The Christmas paint party will take place Saturday, Nov. 20 at 3 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the UVBC Youth Group. Cost is $50 per person. You may choose to paint a lighted Christmas tree or a lighted Christmas truck. The party includes paint and accessories. Union Valley Baptist Church is located at 2322 Smyrna Road in Whiteville.

• Families First will be closed on Nov. 25- Nov. 26 in observance of Thanksgiving. They will reopen Nov. 29. If you or someone you know needs services during this time, please call the crisis line at 910.641.0444. The organization is also in need of donations like laundry detergent, pillows, and hygiene products. These items can be dropped off at the Families First Whiteville Office located at 121 West Main Street.
• The Columbus County Farmer’s Market will be open from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 27. The market is located at 132 Government Complex Road in Whiteville. Go out and support your local farmers.
• Celebrate the Holidays Downtown Whiteville with be carriage rides on Nov. 27 from 4 p.m.-8:15 p.m. Otto Mckenzie, the owner of Occasions Carriage, is offering folks the opportunity to see the Christmas lights downtown the old-fashioned way.
• Speaking of the holidays in downtown Whiteville, Chief David Yergeau and the City of Whiteville Fire Department will be bringing the real Whiteville Santa to Vineland Station Depot at 6 p.m. to help light up the town.
• There are a number of turkey shoots underway right now through next weekend. It’s a great way to enjoy some friendly competition and help local non-profits, fire departments and churches.
Transformation Church will hold their turkey shoot Friday, Nov. 19, and Saturday, Nov. 20, at 6 p.m., one half mile north of Williams Township School on U.S. 701.
The annual Tabor City Fire Department Turkey Shoot is set for Nov. 19-24. Shooting starts at 6:30 each evening. The event will not be open Sunday, Nov. 21.
Mount Calvary Free Will Baptist near Clarkton is holding their annual fundraising turkey shoot every Friday in November. Shooting time starts at 6 p.m.
Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department is held every Friday and Saturday night during the month. The shoot will also be open the night before Thanksgiving on Nov. 24. Shooting starts at 7 p.m.
Abundant Life Assembly of God will hold their annual turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday night in November at 6:30 p.m. The church is located at 5384 James B. White Highway South, Whiteville.
The 701 Turkey Shoot is every Friday through November. The event is located at 7971 James B. White Highway South, Whiteville. Starting time is 7 p.m.
• The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at Email with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.