Submitted by Sammy Hinson
Guests at Saturday’s Veterans Memorial Park dinner were expecting music with their meal, but they got a special surprise.
Samuel Linden, 97, a veteran of World War II, sang God Bless America, then had the crowd join him in the patriotic anthem. Linden, along with 93-year-old Korean War veteran Maurice Brin Graham and Jean Monte Roland, a 30 year veteran of the Army Reserve, were presented with flags flown over the state capital from Rep. Brenden Jones.
The fundraiser for the park was hosted by the Concerned Veterans of America, and celebrated veterans from Columbus and surrounding counties. Ribeye steaks, baked potato and salad were served cooked by Columbus County Clerk of Court Jess Hill with help from Joe Jacobs of Nakina. Organizers thanked the Columbus County Fair Board for their help with their facilities.
Entertainment was provided by Blackwater Band, who started at 8 p.m. and played until 11. Organizers said the event was extremely successful with gun raffles, silent auctions along with sponsorships for the event.
“We would like to thank CVA for their help and all the people that helped and supported the event,” said volunteer Sammy Hinson. “We look forward to doing this again not for just the fundraising but the unity and concern of the community and our veterans.
Angela and Randy Norris have worked hard for the park and are to be commended for their hard work and perseverance. Thanks also to the board members of the Veterans Memorial Park of America. God Bless America!”