Jefferson Weaver • Dear Mr. President

Jefferson Weaver
Jefferson Weaver

Dear President Biden,

As I write these words, you are preparing your first State of the Union address.

I’m scared to see what you plan to do to America this time.

Honestly, sir, I didn’t vote for you. I never liked you as a senator. I really didn’t like you as a vice president. And now? Well, I think you’re the weakest, most hypocritical, least qualified president of my lifetime, if not the last 100 years.

Just when I think things can’t get any worse, you surprise me. 

First there was the uber-politicization of the pandemic, and getting vaccinated with a vaccine that you and your VP said you wouldn’t trust, since it came from the previous administration. Then you tried to take credit for saving lives with an experimental jab.

I reckon I can’t entirely blame you for the way protestors from the Jan. 6 fiasco are being treated; after all, you weren’t quite president yet. However, your language has been more inflammatory, more libelous, and more dangerous than anything spouted by folks who raided the capital building. 

It’s embarrassing that the leaders of a country founded on dissent and freedom continue to witch-hunt folks who disagree with your politics, and not only didn’t cross the street, but turned and left when they saw the vandals attacking the halls of Congress.

For the record, I think those who behaved in a violent manner on Jan. 6, 2021 deserve to be punished to full extent of the law, but they need to be treated like any other criminals, not political prisoners. Grandmothers snapping selfies are not insurrectionists. The people who injured police, who damaged property, who broke the law need to be investigated and tried at the level of their crimes, not to make a political point and frighten Americans who don’t think like you. The same goes for the people who really led insurrections across this country the year before, the ones who burned cities, destroyed private and public property, waged war on police officers, and were bonded out of jail by an organization to which you are beholden — on the rare occasions when they were arrested. You know those folks: the “peaceful” protestors who assaulted grandmothers, and barricaded streets. The ones you praised. The ones whose bond your vice president helped pay.

It’s ridiculous that without a full set of facts, you declared a teenager a mass murderer, while he was on trial, and threatened action if the courts don’t rule the way your handlers demand. Thankfully, the court ignored you, in that case.

It’s shameful that you promised to punish Border Patrol agents for whipping illegal aliens, when the agents weren’t whipping anyone and the aliens were breaking the law. Yet you say we need to welcome the illegals with open arms.

Of course, sir, you have demonstrated a love for immigrants, especially those lacking paperwork. We now have millions of illegal aliens who you decided must be supported by law-abiding taxpayers. On top of that, your government is transporting them across the country and dropping them off, often in states that didn’t support you. That’s just a new, larger-scale version busing in voters to pad your side on Election Day.

Within days of moving into the Oval Office, you jacked up the price of fuel, hurting working class Americans. Your actions against the Keystone Pipeline and the oil industry in general may have curried some favor with the extreme leftists who think food is created in a grocery store, but it’s hurting real Americans at every level. It’s foolish to till this year’s garden under until next year’s has begun to produce. 

If you’re that set on forcing all vehicles to go green, you could start with clean-burning natural gas while exploring more environmentally-friendly options than those windmills that kill birds, or the solar farms that leave behind toxin-laced soil spotted with concrete stumps where farmers once grew food.

While some problems were created because of deals you made with those who hate a free republic, there are several disasters that are entirely yours, Mr. President. One of those is Afghanistan.

That war was about as won as it could be, but because your predecessor had a plan in place, you had to throw it out and change it, simply because your handlers didn’t like him or anything he did.

I have kin and friends closer than kin who served there. One young man I never met, but consider family, died there. Afghanistan was home to those who stabbed us in the back on 9/11/2001, and it needed to be brought down and somewhat civilized. True, we didn’t need to be involved in a forever war there, but your predecessor had a well-laid plan that got us out with honor, and without arming the enemy. We don’t need to be in the business of nation-building, but helping found a stable republic where all are equal was something we could be proud of as Americans.

Instead, you and you alone strengthened the enemy by leaving billions of dollars worth of weapons and technology. You abandoned a government that we helped create, a government of a society that was slowly recognizing that children are precious, it’s okay for women to read and work, and it’s wrong to beat someone to death for shaving. You abandoned Americans and American allies while importing unvetted potential terrorists to your own country.

You have created an atmosphere that is chilling for those who exercise their right to free speech, if it conflicts with your narrative. Your justice department was instructed to assist school boards with parents who dared question the mishmash of mask mandates.  There have been some sort-of semi-apologies for that, as well as some bureaucratic denials, but no one has lost their jobs over  turning the most respected law enforcement agency in the world into the Gestapo or the KGB.

Sending federal agents after soccer moms and working dads isn’t cool. That’s Stalinesque.

Rather than choose qualified candidates for important positions, you apparently use a social checklist, so you can boast that you have hired an overweight drag queen, a mixed-race female Vice President who failed as a primary candidate, a confessed ecoterrorist, and a gay  mayor with history of pay-for-play when it comes to politics and municipal contracts. You want to be sure you put a black woman on the Supreme Court,  regardless of qualifications, in a branch of government which the founders desperately wanted to be apolitical.

Even though you have some of the lowest voter approval ratings in history, the media and the all-powerful tech giants are on your side. That’s more of a condemnation of my trade than it is your presidency, of course, but every totalitarian government in history has learned that controlling the press is far more important than listening to the electorate. At least you’ve learned a few lessons. 

Intimidating those who disagree seems to be standard operating procedure for the new America.

 Indeed, as a dissenting writer, it wouldn’t surprise me to have an unannounced visitor from one of your newly militarized agencies, all because I dared write a column critical of you and the new regime.  

Contrary to what many on your side claim, Mr. President, most of your critics don’t actually hate you. 

Indeed, some of us, me included, pity you. I sincerely doubt, sir, that you are truly in charge.

I look forward to casting my ballot against you and every elected official who supports you, because that’s how we change governments in America, at least for the moment. 

I hope, sir, the day will come when we can go back to where we were a short time ago, when our country was respected and yes, feared, we had made great strides in erasing skin color rather than preferring one over another, our economy was booming,  and work was rewarded, not punished.

I pray for you and your family — earnestly, and sincerely. I pray your eyes will be opened. I pray you and yours remain safe. I pray that you return to Delaware and enjoy your grandchildren. I also pray that Americans get fed up with what you have created, and want a return to a little thing called freedom, in a little place called America.

I have the honor to remain 


Jefferson Weaver

About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at