Private Firm Bringing Jobs to Prison

As prisons fight to recruit and keep corrections officers across the state, a Salisbury company will soon bring a number of high-paying jobs to Columbus Correctional.

P&G Kiker Security has provided private guards to the prison system since 2020, said John Bull of the Department of Public Safety (DPS). The guards do not interact with inmates, Bull said, but will work in towers, on outside patrols and occasionally help screen visitors.

“They assist full-time staff in prison operations that do not involve face-to-face contact with offenders,” Bull said in an email.

P&G is called on to help at prisons where vacancies are highest, Bull explained, “allowing the reassignment of certified custodial staff to security posts within the prisons.”

The private guards are not replacing staff, Bull said.

“Though not employed by DPS, these individuals must be trained in and follow Prisons policies.”

P&G currently provides manpower at six of the state’s 53 prisons, Bull said. The state expects to contract with the firm to deploy P&G employees at ten more prisons in the “near future,” including Columbus Correctional. P&G staff are currently not planned for Tabor Correctional, Bull said.

The job search website lists the P&G positions as “Armed security guards” under a government contract. Starting pay is $21, or $43,680 a year, with a minimum education of a high school diploma and one year customer service experience. The job offers full benefits including health, dental, vision and life insurance.

Shifts will be 12 hours, with alternating weekends off. 

“Applicants are preferred to have a military or law enforcement background. Applicant should possess at least 1 year of verifiable security experience,” the notice says.

Applicants will be required to pass a firearms course using handguns and shotguns. 

“We’re always looking for good people, and don’t care about your gender, faith, age, sexual interests, national origin, marital status, or how many children you have. If you are reliable and want to work, we want to speak with you,” the notice says.

At the same time, Tabor Correctional is holding open interviews for Correctional Officers every Thursday from 9-11 a.m. at the prison. Starting pay for those positions is $36,598, increasing to $47,263 after six years. For more information about the Tabor positions, call 910.653.6413, and ask for Human Resources.

The P&G listing can be found at, under “Security.”

About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at