Southern Farm Days may have been canceled for two years in a row due to the pandemic, but its comeback was welcomed, and the event proved to be a crowd pleaser. The boom of the cannon could be heard from miles away, and the smell of kettle corn filled the air. There were vendors galore selling everything from cast iron to alpaca fiber socks, and almost everyone carried a fresh squeezed lemonade or a funnel cake.

Cowboys could be seen roaming around, and tractor trolleys drove people in from the parking lot to the entrance. Children blew bubbles and played games in the Kid’s Corner, and Comfort Creek provided some goat therapy to any takers.

Generations of folks young and old graced the gates. For some, it was their first time attending Southern Farm Days, while others were old pros who simply came to reminisce and see the sights. One of Columbus County’s favorite pastimes has returned.