Friday Feature: March 18, 2022
By: Vinny Pagano
It has become an era “me too” and “it’s not fair”. I do not know when all this really became acceptable, but I do think it started around the time of participation trophies. You know a trophy for just being on the team, not for winning a championship or tournament. Not for being the league or teams MVP or even the dreaded MIP (Most Improved Player). Each of those awards has a purpose and used to be a driving force for someone’s participation, it made the trophy special when you were the only one getting it. The moment in the sun is what made others work harder so they can get their moment in the spotlight. The time before these participation trophies, players had to earn their spot on the team and then they had to work even harder to make the starting line-up. It taught the player the meaning of challenging work and determination. If someone did not make a team, they did not get mad and petition the community for special rule changes, players worked harder and tried again next season.

With all that being said, the current world of sports was implied. In case you did not get the implied state of sports affairs, it is filled with everyone getting their turn to play (no matter how unskilled they are) and everyone getting a trophy or award at the end of the season just for showing up. There is a large group of players that were never taught the fundamentals and might just need to be included, but if there are enough to put together a few teams, then those players should have a league of their own with players of equal skill levels. Now If I can play the devil’s advocate, how many of these kids are playing a sport because their parents want them to. How many of those kids plan to improve their skills or try hard to catch up to the level of competition their teammates are used to competing at. The last thing I want to point out is how this type of environment does not make the top athletes better, it drags them down and it starts to hinder the development the better players. That might in turn affect someone’s ability to get a full or partial sports scholarship and his future as a professional athlete.
I really do think we need to get back to earning what we get. Whether it is a trophy or an earned income. People have become too accustomed to handouts and excuses. People now find it acceptable to lie, cheat and steal. Then blame it on someone else. Hard work equals pride in the fruit of your labor. Pride in yourself and your product is what needs to be focused on nowadays. I know when today’s generation start to feel how good it feels, it just might start of the change we need in the world of sports.
– Vinny Pagano is the Sports Editor for Columbus County News and Sports Director for WTXY Kool 103.9FM & AM1540. Local Sports stories, as well as questions and comments can be submitted to Vinny at sports@kool1039radio.com