As the Easter holiday approaches, area churches and businesses are rolling out their welcome mat for children and families. Come out and enjoy Resurrection Day activities.
The Lake Waccamaw United Methodist Church will kick off the Easter festivities Friday, April 8, at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served and Mr. Bunny himself will make an appearance. Each child will need to bring 12 eggs. LWUMC is located at 506 Lake Shore Drive in Lake Waccamaw.
Columbus County Parks and Recreation is providing youngsters plenty of opportunities to go egg hunting. The fun begins on Saturday, April 9 at 10 a.m. at the following locations:
Whiteville Parks and Recreation Center
Evergreen Elementary School
Riegelwood Community Park
Tabor City Recreation Complex
Farmer’s Union- Elra and Gertrude Spaulding Park
If you can’t make it to the 10 a.m. events, don’t worry because more are planned at 11 a.m. in other areas. Locations include:
Chadbourn Depot
Old Dock Community Park
Hallsboro-Bogue Community Park
Bolton Community Park
St. James Community Park
Elizabeth Brinkley Park in Lake Waccamaw
Participation is for boys and girls ages 0-12 years old. There will be three age divisions for the hunts to be grouped 0-3 years old, 4-7 years old, and 8-12 years of age. For more information about the Easter egg events, please call the Columbus County Parks and Recreation Center at 910.640.6624.
There will be a community Easter egg hunt at Edgewood Park on Saturday, April 9 from 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. A hotdog and chip lunch will be served, and there will be games for little ones to play. The park is located at 305 E. Calhoun Street in Whiteville.
Abundant Life Assembly of God will be having an egg hunt on Saturday, April 9, from 1 – 3 p.m. There will be prizes and plenty of activities for everyone. Lunch will also be served. The church is located at 5384 James B White Highway South, Whiteville.
Tabor City Baptist Church, located at 2020 Live Oak Street in Tabor City, will be having their annual Easter egg hunt on April 9 starting at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited.
New Life Community Church will present the play “Betrayed. Denied. Crucified.” on Sunday evening, April 10, at 6 p.m. All are welcomed to attend. The church is located at 107 South Maultsby Street, Whiteville.
The First Baptist Church of Lake Waccamaw will be having a drama show entitled “An Easter Rapture” on April 10 at 6 p.m. The church is located at 200 Dixon Street in Lake Waccamaw. Everyone is invited.
The First Baptist Church of Whiteville will be having an Easter activity for children on Wednesday, April 13, from 5:30 p.m.- 7 p.m. There will be pizza and snacks provided, an Easter message, games, and an egg hunt. FBCW can be found at 412 North Madison Street in Whiteville.
Engage Life Church has moved locations, and to celebrate their new facility and the Resurrection, they will be having a crucifixion re-enactment titled “Engage the Cross.” The service is set to take place on Friday, April 15 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The church is now located at 386 Thompson Town Road in Whiteville.
The Veterans Memorial Park of America will be hosting an Easter egg hunt for the community on Saturday, April 16, from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. The Easter bunny will be making an appearance at 12 p.m. with his ice cream truck so be sure to bring your cameras. There will also be hotdogs and games. The park is located at 6354 James B. White Highway South, Whiteville.
Crossroads Church will be having an egg hunt on Saturday, April 16 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Children grade 5 and under are welcomed to the event. The church will have festivities set up at 132 Government Complex Drive in Whiteville.
Old Zion Wesleyan Church will be hosting a free community egg hunt and celebration on Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. There will be over 2,000 filled eggs, bouncy houses, free train rides, drinks, snacks, and prizes. Come out and join in on the fun at 10144 Swamp Fox Road in Tabor City.
Western Prong Baptist Church will be having a big Easter shindig on April 16 at 11 a.m. The only catch is, you must register for the event. There will be food, fun, and prizes for folks of all ages. There will be an adult hunt at 11:30 a.m. with 10 Food Lion gift card filled eggs, and a children’s hunt will follow soon afterwards. Visit https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSd3OICyTn4Dtq…/viewform to reserve your spot today. The church is located at 167 Peacock Road in Whiteville.
Boardman Baptist Church will be having an egg hunt complete with a surprise visit from the Easter bunny on Saturday, April 16, beginning at 10 a.m. BBC is located at 2417 Old Boardman Road in Evergreen.
New life Community Church will be hosting a Resurrection Experience Devotion on Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Edgewood Park in Whiteville. There will be crafts to choose from, an egg hunt, and an Easter Bible scavenger hunt. There will be games to play, and hot dogs, chips, drinks, and cookies will be served. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket due to limited seating. The event will be held at New Life Community Church youth center if it is raining. The church is located at 107 South Maultsby Street, Whiteville. The park is located at 305 E. Calhoun Street in Whiteville.
The traditional Lake Waccamaw Easter Sunrise Service will be from 6:20 a.m.-6:50 a.m. at the sailing club on Easter Sunday. Immediately following the service, breakfast will be served at the Lake Waccamaw United Methodist Church. Invitations to attend are extended to all local churches and community members.
Send your church or community events to crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news and we will add them to the list throughout Holy Week.