Volunteers Needed for Ukraine Bible Project

The Columbus Baptist Association and Every nation Education are raising $30,000 for keychain Bibles similar to this for distribution in Ukraine.
The Columbus Baptist Association and Every Nation Education are raising $30,000 for keychain Bibles similar to this for distribution in Ukraine.

Extra hands are need Thursday to help prepare 12,000 keychain Bibles for delivery to Ukrainian refugees.

Rev. Dave Heller of the Columbus Baptist Association said the QR Code Bibles will be delivered by Matthew Ward on his next trip to the war-torn region. The Bibles can be scanned by any smartphone to download a copy of the Bible. By comparison, 12,000 QR Bibles require the same amount of shipping space as 200 physical copies.

The CBA is asking volunteers to help put stickers on the boxes containing the QR Bibles Thursday starting at 6 p.m. The assembly line will be similar to the Backpack Buddies Packing Parties held at the CBA office on Franklin Street in Whiteville. Pizza will be provided.

Contact Heller or the CBA via Facebook if you can help, or call 910.642.2155.

About Jefferson Weaver 2716 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at jeffersonweaver@ColumbusCountyNews.com.