Chadbourn Police have charged a Wilkes Street man with fleeing the scene of a car crash that resulted in a man’s death.
Warrants show Cory Michael McDougald, 51, of 120 S. Wilkes St., Chadbourn, was arrested June 24 and released the next day on a single charge of fleeing an accident involving death or injury. He was released on a $25,000 secured bond.
The warrant alleges that McDougald was driving when he struck Connell Faulk on South Wilkes Street June 16. Faulk, 47, was walking down the street when the crash occurred. He was fatally injured in the crash, but McDougald did not stop to render aid, the warrant shows.
The warrant was taken out by Sgt. T. Lovett of the Chadbourn Police.