Juvenile allegedly strikes officer with car.
Officers manning a checking station in Chadbourn Saturday night had a busy two hours.
Chadbourn Police, assisted by multiple agencies, arrested six suspects, wrote 18 traffic citations, and took a juvenile into custody on multiple charges. The traffic checkpoint in front of the Post Office on Brown Street was held from 9-11 p.m. Officers then followed up with saturation patrols throughout the area.
Magistrate Michael Manolis was stationed in the magistrate’s office onboard the BAT Mobile, the state’s mobile blood alcohol testing lab. The converted recreational vehicle has work stations for officers to fill out paperwork, fingerprinting equipment, Breathalizer machines for testing blood alcohol levels, and a magistrate’s post. The BAT Mobile allows processing of suspects before they leave the scene, thus saving time for officers.
In addition to Chadbourn Police, troopers from the Highway Patrol, deputies from Columbus, Bladen and Robeson counties, and police from Fair Bluff and Tabor City were at the checkpoint.
A juvenile is being sought for one suspect who allegedly struck an officer with his vehicle while trying to flee the checkpoint. The youth also faces charges of resist, delay and obstruct an officer, possession of marijuana; carrying a fake identification card; speeding and carless and reckless driving.
Officers reported six cases of drivers without a license; five driving while license revoked; two seatbelt violations; one citation for allowing an unlicensed person to drive; three open containers of alcohol; and one for possession of marijuana.
Six arrests were made, including three on weapons charges, two for possession oif illegal drugs, and one driving while impaired.