Starbuck’s Coming to Whiteville


After 14 months of negotiations, construction of a new Starbuck’s coffeehouse is expected to begin next month.

“It’s a done deal,” said Kyle Cox, who owns the property where the popular business will be built.

Starbuck’s offers both hot and cold coffees and coffee-based drinks.

The new coffeehouse will be built beside Smithfield’s Barbecue on J.K. Powell Boulevard in Whiteville. Starbuck’s had 33,333 stores as of Monday, according to the company website. More than 15,000 of those are in the United States. It was founded in Seattle, Wash., in 1971.

Rumors about the popular coffee retailer had been swirling for more than two years. 

Starbuck’s is just the latest in a string of national names to move here. Dunkin Donuts – also known for its coffee drinks as well as doughnuts – opened earlier this year. The same business also houses Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream.

Much of the focus for new business development has been along the U.S. 701/Powell Boulevard corridor, which is being converted to a Super Street. Dunkin, Cookout and Zaxby’s have also made their homes along the thoroughfare, in addition to the renovated Bojangles, Arby’s and KFC.

Cox requested and received a zoning change for the property bounded by U.S. 701, U.S. 74 and Smyrna Road after demolition of one of the city’s last tobacco warehouses. Arby’s, the Liberty Center office complex, Cox Discount Warehouse and Quality Inn are currently  on the parcel.

About Jefferson Weaver 2681 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at