Happening Saturday:
It’s time once again for the Whiteville Fun Factory’s Saturday sensory hours. The facility welcomes all families with special needs and sensory restrictions to come out from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Sept. 3. Accommodations for light and sound will be made so these children can have a good time. Tickets are $12 for ages 4 and up, and $6 for kids ages 3 and under. Regular business hours will resume at 12 p.m. The Whiteville Fun Factory is located at 42 Hill Plaza.
Sunday during and after church
Western Prong Baptist Church will hold its First Responder Appreciation Day Sunday, Sept. 4. Lunch will be served after the service, and all first responders will receive a special gift. Services start at 11 a.m., but please arrive early for lineup. Western Prong is located between Whiteville and Clarkton, at 167 Peacock Road. Call 910.648.2744 for more information.
Events at Lake Waccamaw
This Sunday, Sept. 4, is the last service for the Lakeside Ministry this year. Worship is at the Lake Waccamaw Campground Pavilion at 9 a.m. Rev. Dave Heller will conclude the event. The campground is located at 250 Waccamaw Shores Road in Lake Waccamaw.

Also at Lake Waccamaw, the second annual “Keep the Change” lemonade fundraiser will be held at 602 Canal Cove on Sunday Sept. 4. from 2-5 p.m. This event was started last year by the great grandchildren of John McNeill to support the Lake Waccamaw Depot Museum, the Rube McCray Library, and the Lake Waccamaw Fire Department. Last year, the kids raised over $600 by patrons simply saying “Keep the Change.”
The annual Lee J. Greer Labor Day four-mile swim across the Lake will be held on Monday, Sept. 5 at 8 a.m. Swimmers will begin the water trek at Dale’s Seafood or the Lake Waccamaw Dam, depending on wind direction. All swimmers must be accompanied by an escort boat.

And in other news
Sunday will be the Bladen Craft and Food Truck Rodeo in Clarkton. There will be vendors, a kid’s zone with inflatables, arts and crafts, local businesses and of course, food trucks. The event is from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. at 95 Mitchell Ford Road, Clarkton, Call 910.874.7377 or 910.633.1646 for more.

It’s not every day that a civilian gets a ticket from a police officer and then brags about the man in blue later. An individual known as Mr. Floyd was pulled over by Deputy T. Hammonds of the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday for speeding.
Floyd was so impressed with the officer’s professionalism that he called the patrol lieutenant to let them know the deputy left a positive lasting impression on him.
Prostate cancer is often curable if caught early, and Columbus Regional wants to help men tackle the problem Friday, Sept. 9 from 12-3 p.m. Advanced Urology at CRHS will hold a tailgate party with free prostate exams, PSA screenings, health education, and food. There will also be a drawing for two Carolina Panthers tickets. Call 910.641.3662 for more information.
The Columbus County Emergency Services will host their first ever Public Safety Day on Saturday, Sept. 10, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the fairgrounds. The opening ceremony is scheduled to begin promptly at the start of the event. First responders throughout the area will be present and holding live demonstrations such as emergency extrication, hazmat scene response steps, and special operations activities.
Members of the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office will be in attendance, and the animal shelter will be holding an adopt-a-thon for those interested in meeting their new furry best friend.
The day would not be complete without the fire, law enforcement, and EMS vehicle show and a firefighter competition. Vendors and booths will be set up for folks to browse and shop, and when you get hungry, you can mosey on over to the chicken and rice cook off and buy a plate to appease your appetite.
The Columbus County Fairgrounds are located at 886 Prison Camp Road in Whiteville. For more information about the Public Safety Day, check out the Columbus County Emergency Services Facebook page.

Lt. J. McPherson of the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office got caught doing a good deed at a local school this week.
The officer helped students raise the flag at Nakina Middle. McPherson interacts with children in the Cadet Program as a mentor.
Eight volunteers are needed to help with the CBA’s annual Toy Store golf tournament. The event is set for Saturday, Sept. 10, from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Land-O-Lakes Golf Course in Whiteville. Those who are interested can contact the association office at 910.642.2155.
The Cape Fear Farm Heritage Association will hold its tractor parade at Lake Waccamaw on Saturday, Sept. 10.
The parade will form up at the Boys and Girls Home Farm, travel up N.C. 214 to Jackson Crossroads, turn left, go to the lake, turn around at the dam and pass Dale’s Seafood en route back to the farm. Start time is 9 a.m. at the farm.
Antique tractors, farm equipment, cars trucks and motorcycles are welcome at the Columbus Animal Protective Services and Gurganus Farm Store rabies clinic and adopt-a-thon Sept. 17. There will be antique farm equipment on display, drawings and giveaways for animal feed and products, and more. WTXY will be broadcasting live. There’s no charge to display your classic ride. Look for more on this event as we get closer to Sept. 17. Gurganus is located 6 Whiteville Plaza, Whiteville, in the Roses shopping center.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY Kool 1039FM AM1540, and under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, pageant winners, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, family and school reunions, little kids catching big fish or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.