A taste of fall weather is in the air, and cooler temperatures mean more time outside. This weekend presents the perfect opportunity to find your way through a maze or enjoy some Southern cooking at one of the festivals or fundraisers. Go out and play, explore, and eat in Columbus County.
Happening today, Saturday, Sept. 24:
• Maze Craze at Galloway Farms in Hallsboro will have their opening day on, from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. This year the 13-acre Outer Banks themed maze will lead you on a treasure as you search for OBX Icons hidden throughout miles of paths. Outside of the maze, experience a laid-back on the farm atmosphere with games, tractor-pulled wagon rides, barrel train rides, live farm animals, concessions, and more.
A two-acre kid’s fun maze contains the story trails. Walk along with your children, and read the stories of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, Jack and the Cornstalk, The Three Silly Goats and Their Stuff, and sing with Farmer Alma’s Sing-Along Trail. Tickets start at $12 and grants you access to all the fun at the farm. Visit www.gallowayfarm.yapsody.com/event/index/738159/2022-maze-craze-at-galloway-farm to purchase your tickets through Nov. 5.
• East Columbus High School will be having a pancake breakfast to raise money for their soccer program today at the Highway 55 restaurant in Whiteville. The kids will be slinging hotcakes from 8-10 a.m., and the cost is $5 per person for all you can eat pancakes, bacon, and drinks. Folks can dine in our carry out. The eatery is located at 104 Columbus Corners Drive.
• After the pancake sale, you can head over to the Columbus County Fairgrounds to check out the Brunswick Stew Festival. There will be vendors, games, entertainment, and food. The event is from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and the grounds are located at 886 Prison Camp Road in Whiteville.
• There is much to learn about mushrooms on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 10:30 a.m. at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville. Participants will learn about identification, examine some prepared mushroom spore prints and then paint their own. This is an ecoEXPLORE skills session geared toward children 5-12 years old, but anyone interested in the topic is invited to attend.
Registration is required. Visit EcoExplore: Spore Printing Mycology Skills Session to sign up.
• The Fair Bluff Community will be having the Community Blast Off event today from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 246 Caver Circle. The gathering is free to the public, and everyone is invited to join in on the games, food, and entertainment.
And in other news

• The Whiteville Juniorettes are engaging in some “ethical bullying” this week. Laiken Edwards and her friends are spreading painted stones known as Kindness Rocks around Whiteville and Lake Waccamaw. The colorful, handpainted rocks are just a way to brighten a stranger’s day. Miss Laiken is on the Columbus Connection this week with more about the Kindness Rocks and the Juniorettes.

• Five dogs went to new homes and more than 100 rabies vaccinations were administered last Saturday at the Gurganus Farm Store/Animal Protective Services rabies clinic. Kim Quattlebaum and her family even brought their pet goat, Hope, to come visit the event. A truckload of food and pet supplies was donated to the Animal Shelter after the event.
• The Bolton Pine Tree Festival is seeking Live Entertainment for this year’s event. Call the Town Hall 910.655.8945 if your group would like to sing, step, dance or otherwise perform. The festival is Oct. 1.
• Safe Nite is back at the Boys and Girls Home on Halloween. Organizers expect to have 30-35 booths, and volunteers are desperately needed. The largest trunk or treat event in the county will have games, educational activities, and of course, LOTS of candy. Call 910.640.6624 to volunteer.
• All 6-12 grade students are invited to the Aflame Youth rally in the Slugger’s Deli parking lot on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jeremy Hinson will be leading a worship service, and Ben Worthington will be the guest speaker. The event is being held in preparation for See You at the Pole. The deli is located at 140 Whiteville Town Center.
• The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, pageant winner, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.