The Veterans Memorial Park of America (VMPA) has a busy schedule during the next few months. Community events, fundraisers, and a golf tournament are just a few of the things the organization has planned while still building and constructing the park. The first of many events will take place this weekend.
Pancakes with Vets will be held on Saturday, April 29, from 8-10 a.m. at the Highway 55 restaurant in Whiteville. The cost of the meal is a simple $5 donation. The restaurant is located at 104 Columbus Corners Drive in front of Walmart.
The annual Veterans Meal and the ribbon cutting ceremony will be on May 26 at the park. Veterans, their families, and guests are asked to RSVP by May 20. The meal is free for vets, $5 for children, and $10 for spouses and guests. Visit https://veteransparkofamerica.com/index.php/veterans-luncheon-may-27th/?fbclid=IwAR2o5x4JDY9a3KlC5DHCTm2qV8QyuFJIdLQ6oCozBG-lSDHVImz7-OaYYPI to fill out the form and pay the appropriate fees.
On Memorial Day, May 29, the VMPA will have a ceremony at the park and draw the winning raffle ticket for a Howa 6.5 CR and a Savage 30-06. Orders for the Field of Flags are always available, and the flags will be displayed during patriotic holidays. The cost is $10 each.
Submissions for the Field of Honor are currently being accepted through May 15. The signs will display a photograph of the service member, their military branch, and rank. Signs are $25 each, and checks can be made payable to the Veterans Memorial Park of America and mailed to P.O. Box 2046, Whiteville, N.C. 28472.
The ‘Tee It Up for Veterans’ golf tournament will be on Saturday, June 3, at Diamondback Golf Club in Loris, S.C. Registration will be from 7:30-8:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The Captain’s Choice tournament is $240 per team and includes green fees, cart fees, and a meal. A player package is also available for $20 and includes two mulligans and 10 raffle tickets. Event prizes will be handed out for Hole in One, a 50/50 drawing, closest to the pin, longest drive, men and women, and top three team winners. Hole sponsorships are $50. Downloadable forms can be found at https://veteransparkofamerica.com/index.php/golf-tournament-at-diamondback-saturday-may-7th/. For more information, call 910.840.0072, 910.840.6653, 910.840,5207, or 910.840.3848. The golf course is located at 615 Log Cabin Road.
Engraved bricks are still being placed around the Freedom Circle. The bricks can be ordered anytime through the park’s website at www.veteransparkofamerica.com. Once enough bricks are ordered, a bulk order will be made by the VMPA. Bricks are $100 for 4×8, $200 for 8×8, and $500 for 12×12.
The Freedom Circle is just one of many new additions to the park. The five branches of service flag poles, five monuments for the branches of services, sidewalks, seven smaller circles for WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq have been added along with a paved parking lot and driveway. The Veterans Memorial Park of America is still looking for sponsors for one flagpole and four of the military seals.
Pictures for the Wall of Honor are still being accepted. The wall is displayed to the public during events and at the annual Columbus County Fair in the fall. Forms for submission can be found at https://veteransparkofamerica.com/index.php/form-for-wall-of-honor/. For questions about the Wall of Honor, send an email to veteransmemorialparkofcolco@gmail.com.
If you would like to donate, volunteer, or become a sponsor for the VMPA, contact Angela Norris at 910.840.3848. The Veterans Memorial Park of America is located at 6354 James B. White Highway South in Whiteville. Meetings are held every third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Dixie Steel Guns and Ammo located at 57 Mercer Road in Chadbourn.