The Columbus County Farmers’ Market will be hosting their annual Farm-to-Table benefit on Thursday, June 22, at 6 p.m. Many aspects of the feast will include ingredients from local growers and vendors, and all proceeds will go toward upgrades and repair for the commercial kitchen at the market.
The dinner will be catered by The Cooking Company, and the menu will include steak, chicken, salad, desserts, and fresh veggie sides. Alcohol is not included in the price of the meal, but there will be a cash bar set up with a bartender available throughout the evening. There will also be a silent auction where folks can bid on baked goods and other items, and a door prize will be handed out that includes a basket full of goods from local suppliers.
Businesses are also invited to reserve and sponsor a table for $500, and each of the sponsors will be listed on the event’s menu. Individual tickets can be purchased for $50 each, and there are 50 spot still available. The Farm-to-Table dinner will be held at the Spillway, 1252 Millpond Road, Whiteville. For more information about the meal or to reserve your seat, contact Amber Howard at 910.234.4620 or send her an email at ameares321@gmail.com.