The H.E.A.R.T.S. (Helping Everyone Achieve Rewards Toward Success) Foundation of Chadbourn will be hosting a kickball tournament to help with their annual Back-to-School supply drive. The group gives out over 500 backpacks and hundreds of school supplies to the Columbus County Foster Care Unit for all the children in custody with active cases each year.
The grass roots non-profit organization is made up of a group of everyday people who made a commitment to help improve the lives of others within Columbus County and surrounding communities. Their main goal is to give back to the less fortunate in any way.
Games begin on Saturday, June 17, at 12 p.m. Seven teams from Greensboro, Whiteville, Chadbourn, Raleigh, Tabor City, Fair Bluff, and Farmers Union are set to compete. The location for the tournament fundraiser will be at Chadbourn’s Dixie Youth baseball field at 116 Miller Street behind Worthington Funeral Home.
There will be live music by DJ Supreme and commentary by comedian Clyde Barnes. Bring your families and lawn chairs. Food and vendors will also be on site for everyone to enjoy. There will be a kids zone play area with inflatable bouncy houses, a fire truck, and the Kona Ice truck, and the N.C. National Guard will be hanging out with H.E.A.R.T.S crew. Admission fees for spectators will be $1 for children 12 and under, and $2 for those 13 and up. Spots for teams are already full, but the public is encouraged to come out and cheer the players on.
All proceeds from the fundraiser will go toward the purchase of backpacks and school supplies for the foundation’s Back-to-School drive on Saturday, July 29, from 3-5 p.m. The giveaway will also take place at the Dixie Youth ballfield. For more information about either of the events, call the organization’s president Larry Everette at 910.733.3375. For monetary donations, checks should be made out to the H.E.A.R.T.S. Foundation and mailed to 247 Dessie Road, Chadbourn, N.C. 28431.