Chances of rain showers are decreasing as we head into the weekend, and Columbus County residents are eager to get outdoors and enjoy some sunshine. Before you start your day on Saturday, be sure log onto www.columbuscountynews.com for absolutely free to catch up on any news you’ve missed this week. Get your news delivered every morning to your inbox before your coffee ever hits your cup by signing up for our daily newsletter.
Congratulations are in order for several county school faculty members. Meghan Canady, Terri Woods, Fred Mason, Christy Babson, Leane Alercia, Victoria Gore, Javonna Long, Ashley Ward, Jai Woods, Stacie Lane, and Stephanie Hammond were named Teachers of the Year for 2023.
Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue in Fair Bluff will be holding one more volunteer workday this Saturday on June 24. You must be 18 years old or older to use tools and climb ladders. If you would like to volunteer at Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue, find out more information, make a donation, or become a sponsor, you can contact Rhonda Billeaud, co-chairman for Shizzy’s, by phone at 910.840.1886. You can also send her an email at rhondabilleaud@shizzyswildcatrescue.org. The full summer schedule for Shizzy’s can be found at https://columbuscountynews.com/2023/05/shizzys-wildcat-rescue-updated-summer-schedule/.
Many furbabies found their furever homes this week at the Columbus County Sheriff’s Animal Protective Services. The shelter still has more dogs and cats looking for homes, and you can stop APS Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to find your new best friend. They are also in need of food, cleaning supplies, towel and blanket donations to help take care of the animals there. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Animal Protective Services can be found at 288 Legion Drive in Whiteville.
Baldwin Branch Missionary Church will be hosting ‘Evening with the Arts’ on Saturday, June 24, at 3 p.m. at the Bladen Community College Auditorium. Twirlers of Christ will be performing in celebration of ten years of twirling under minister Dr. Katrina Boykin. The public is invited to attend. The college is located at 7418 N.C. Highway 41 in West Dublin.
Southeastern Community College’s mini rams and Agribusiness instructor Dawn Hinshaw got a treat this week at the SCC Child Development Center. Hinshaw sat down with the kids and read a book about planting a seed and the growth process. Later, the youngsters got to plant their own seed in a cup after checking out real plants, vegetables, fruits, and flowers.
The Whiteville High School class of 1983 is currently planning their 40th reunion weekend. Cyndee Long, Lisa Weathers-Shipman, Skeeter Storms, Wendy Jones, Lynne Cribb-Edwards, and Linda Bordner-Garner are heading up the arrangements for the gathering. If you would like to attend the event, the ladies ask that you reach out to them via Facebook, or send a request to join the official WHS Class of 1983 Facebook page.
Many Columbus County churches will be having Vacation Bible School during the months of July and August. Some of them begin this weekend. If you would like your church added to the list, please send an email to crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news. Visit https://columbuscountynews.com/2023/06/vbs-guide-for-summer-2023/ to see local churches and their VBS dates.
Living Hope Pregnancy Support Services got a big donation this week from Grace Bible Church in Whiteville. Derrick Boyd and his children, Keith and Morgan, delivered the baby supplies to the center.
The Lakeside Ministry will run every Sunday through Labor Day at 9 a.m. at the Lake Waccamaw campground pavilion. This Sunday, June 25, the speaker will be Billy Roy with singing by the Crossroads Singers.
Columbus County Parks and Recreation is still accepting registration forms for youth fall soccer through June 30 for boys and girls ages 4-12 years old. Only a few days remain until the deadline. You can register your child in person at the facility located at 306 Jefferson Street in Whiteville from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and from 1 – 4 p.m. For more information, call 910.640.6624.
Some Columbus County School locations will be serving free food for children ages 1-18 years old this summer. Acme Delco Elementary, Hallsboro/Artesia Elementary, Old Dock Elementary, West Columbus School, and South Columbus High will participate through June 30. Chadbourn Elementary will serve food until July 31.
Welcome PFWB Church will conclude their June activities this Sunday. The organization will be having all day VBS on June 25 from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Waterslides and a cookout will follow. On June 25, the church will have VBS commencement from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., and their annual fried chicken plate sale will be held afterwards. Plates are $8 each. Welcome Church is located at 3104 Old Cribbtown Road in Chadbourn. Call 910.653.9284 if you have any questions.
The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office welcomed a new face into the fold this week. Noel Rogers has joined the CCSO family as a detention officer.
Sandy Plain Baptist Church will have a conceal carry class on Saturday, July 1, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Spots are $65 and will include lunch, snacks, and refreshments. Call 910.625.5884. The church is located at 6824 Swamp Fox Highway East in Tabor City.
The town of Lake Waccamaw will be bringing another first to the area on Monday, July 3. The Summer Flotilla will be making its way through lake waters beginning at 8:30 p.m. Fishing and pleasure boats decorated with lights will present a festive display. Prizes will be handed out in different categories by Burning Lake Trading Co. Best in Show and Community Choice will receive a prize pack, and Most Spirited will receive a $100 gift card to spend in the shop. The entry fee to join the flotilla is $20.Visit https://www.lakewaccamawnc.gov/flotilla-registration-form to sign up. The fee can be paid in person at Lake Waccamaw Town Hall located at 205 Flemington Drive, or mailed to P.O. Box 145, Lake Waccamaw, N.C. 28450. Checks should be made out to Lake Waccamaw Town Hall with ‘Flotilla’ written in the memo.
There is good news for those spending their Independence Day at their favorite fishing hole. The N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission has declared no fishing license will be required on July 4 from 12 a.m. – 11:59 p.m., regardless of age, so that families can go outdoors and spend the day making memories together while reeling them in. This applies to both residents and visitors to N.C. waters.
The Lake Waccamaw Fire and Rescue Department will be holding their annual boot drop and hotdog sale on Tuesday, July 4, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Members will be set up in front of the station located at 203 Flemington Drive for the Independence Day fundraiser.
Brown Street Station in Chadbourn will also be open every second Saturday of the month for the Main Street Market. Live entertainment and vendors will be there from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. for the public to enjoy. The next selling day will be July 8. The venue is located at 202 North Brown Street. For more information about vendors opportunities, call 910.477.8080.
On the Italian Riviera, an unlikely but strong friendship grows between a human being and a sea monster disguised as a human at the next Movies on Madison on Friday, July 21, at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville. The feature film will be Luca. The museum lawn will open at 7:30 p.m. for activities, and the movie will begin at dusk. Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase. This is a family event, so no coolers, pets, alcoholic beverages, or smoking is allowed on the facility grounds.
The town of Fair Bluff Watermelon Festival has announced one of its first contests for the celebration. The Creative Watermelon Hat contest will take place on festival day, July 29, at Riverside Drive. The entry fee is $10, and the time will be announced soon. Visit www.fairbluff.com to stay up to date on the latest watermelon information.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY Kool 103.9 FM, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at columbuscountynews.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.