Former Sheriff’s Sgt. Melvin Campbell will receive $300,000 directly from the county’s general fund and an undisclosed additional amount as a settlement in his federal civil rights lawsuit against former Sheriff Jody Greene.
County commissioners approved the settlement after a special closed session today (Thursday).
“The settlement was reached after several weeks of mediation between parties and we are confident that the settlement is fair and reasonable given the circumstances surrounding the actions of former Sheriff Greene,” a statement from the county said.
The county’s insurance is paying the balance of the settlement. The press release from the county did not specify the total amount Campbell will receive.
The county’s payment of $300,000 is being paid directly from the county’s general fund balance, according to the release.
The statement noted that a property tax increase might be required to make up for the loss of fund balance. The N.C. Local government Commission will make that decision.
Campbell was fired by Greene in 2019.While sheriffs have broad powers to hire and fire employees, Campbell was one of several black members of the sheriff’s office who claimed they were fired because of their race.
Greene voluntarily stepped down from office in October 2022 after his challenger in the sheriff’s race, Jason Soles, shared secret recordings of Greene using racially inflammatory language. District Attorney Jon David was petitioning the courts for Greene’s removal when he resigned. Greene was reelected in November, and David once again pursued charges against Greene. Bill Rogers was appointed to replace Greene.
Another lawsuit that was recently filed with s i m i l a r claims. An investigation by state and federal authorities into Greene’s administration is ongoing.