Storm, Fire Destroy Robeson Church

Proctorville Church in OPrrum is thought to have been hit by a lightning strike. (Burnis Wilkins photo)
Proctorville Church in Orrum is thought to have been hit by a lightning strike. (Burnis Wilkins photo)

Three local fire departments were among the eight stations who responded to a church fire in Robeson County Monday night.

Proctorville Baptist Church near Orrum was virtually destroyed by a suspected lightning strike as a massive line of storms swept across the state, bringing 50-mile-per-hour winds and lightning strikes. Crews were still cleaning up after the fire this morning (Tuesday).

Fair Bluff, Evergreen, Cerro Gordo and Chadbourn firefighters were among the departments supplying mutual aid, equipment and manpower. Other departments included Orrum, Britts, Fairmont City, Fairmont Rural, Smyrna, and Whitehouse.

Spotty damage was reported in Columbus, with downed trees, broken limbs and some water on roadways. A severe thunderstorm warning was issued for Whiteville and central Columbus County for a brief period of time.

Jen Ewing
Jen Ewing, who lives across from the church, shared this photo of the blaze.
Proctorville Baptist 2
Firefighters from eight departments, including three from Columbus, responded to the fire. (Submitted)
About Jefferson Weaver 2715 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at