County school officials are making sure staff are familiar with policies regarding religious practices after someone complained about a group praying on the East Columbus campus Oct. 13.
“We received notifications about visitors performing or appearing to perform religious activities on the campus of East Columbus Junior/Senior High School during the instructional day,” County schools spokesman Kelly Jones said. The reporting parties did so after the end of the school day.
While the county schools do not forbid the practice of any religion, school policy prohibits disrupting instruction time. The group was offering blessings over the facility, but did not enter classrooms.
The school’s policy says that “The United States Constitution and North Carolina Constitution protect the right of an individual to subscribe to any religious beliefs or to no religious beliefs at all. It is the board’s policy to comply with federal and state law regarding religion and religious expression in the schools. The board will neither advance nor inhibit any religion or religious belief, viewpoint, expression or practice.”
The group left campus after spending some time saying prayers over the school and students. They were not confronted by or escorted off campus by school resource officers.
“In reviewing the concerns that were raised,” Jones said in a statement, “it was determined that the activities that occurred on the date in question violated this policy.”
Jones said he did not know who was involved with the group that blessed the school, but that they are “familiar” with the school and known to school personnel.
The East Columbus Swampkeepers, a part of the East Columbus Education Foundation, recently hosted a followup prayer rally at ECHS after the national See You At the Pole observance. Jones noted that the rally was held after the regular school day, just as See You at the Pole is held before the start of classes. Both events are student-led.
Emily Grice of the Swampkeepers said the prayer walk was not planned or organized by that group.
School employees will be reminded of system policies, Jones said, to avoid future conflicts.
“We are currently implementing procedures and training to ensure that the current policy regarding religious activity in the schools and its supporting laws are followed fully at all of our schools,” Jones said.