It’s a busy time in Columbus County. There’s the pow-wow, the first trunk or treat, and much more happening in our back yards. Get out there and enjoy it.
Today is the Waccamaw Siouan Pow Wow in Buckhead. Events include the free fellowship breakfast at 8 a.m., the parade at 11, a gospel sing at 4 and much, much more. Throughout the day there will be dance competitions, music, vendors and food. The Powwow is held at the tribal grounds on Old Lake Road.
Today is the annual Unity in the Community event at Brookberry Apartments in Whiteville. There will be free food, live Christian entertainment, a prayer walk, and more. The event is from noon until 5 p.m.
Canaan Cox will perform tonight at 7 p.m. at Galloway Farms in Hallsboro. The concert is part of the Maze Craze activities. Cox recently returned from performing in England. The North Carolina native sings a mix of country and pop music. The program is in cooperation with Southeastern Community College Foundation. Tickets are available at the gate, or the websites for Maze Craze and SCC.
The Maze Craze at Galloway Farms is hosting the Ram Jams concert tonight, but things will get spooky October 28 and 29. The Galloween celebration will feature prizes, games, food, candy, and fun for all ages, as well as the two mazes. There’s even a glow maze from 6 until 9 p.m. both nights. Maze Craze is located at 370 Artesia Road, Hallsboro.
Get a head start on your trick or treating today at 6 p.m. Crossroads Church will host a trunk or treat today at 42 Hill Plaza in Whiteville starting at 6 p.m. Look for the full list of area trunk or treat events at Columbus County News dot com.
Nothing says fall like chicken bog and barbecue, and both are available today at the Columbus Community Farmers Market. Get a homecooked meal for lunch and check out the produce, crafts and other surprises at the market. The Farmers Market is located on Government Complex Road in North Whiteville.
Entries are still needed for the Tabor City Yam Festival October 28. Craft, retail, and non-profit vendor spaces are open, as well as spaces for information booths. There’s still room in the parade for entries as well. Call 910.840.0567 for more.
Whiteville Parks and Rec youth basketball registration is underway through December 8. Cost is $15 for city residents and $25 for county residents. Leagues are for players five through sixteen. Call 910.642.9052 for more information.
Skate For Whiteville and the City are accepting donations for the proposed skate park at Nolan Park Recreation Center. You can make a donation by cash or check at city hall during regular business hours.
Columbus Animal Protective Services has a new website where you can view animals up for adoption, fill out forms and more. The website was launched this week. Go to columbuscountyanimalservices.com
You can dissect a pumpkin at the museum of science in Whiteville Thursday at 1030. The event is geared toward younger children, but the young at heart are always welcome as well. Learn about why pumpkins are good for much more than just a Halloween decoration and Thanksgiving pie.
Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue in Fair Bluff has a workday October 28 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You must be 18 years old or older to use tools and climb ladders. To volunteer call 910.840.1886. Shizzy’s can be found at 658 Main Street.
The Good News is brought to you every Saturday on WTXY and throughout the week under the Good News tab at Columbuscountynews.com. Send us your club news, church announcements, awards, pageant winners, anniversaries, birthday parties, little kids with big fish or any plain old happy stories. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com. There’s never a charge.