The Good News for Oct. 27

While Halloween and the Yam Festival are dominating everyone’s plans this weekend, there’s even more going on in our county.

Yam Festival is in Tabor City Saturday. The parade is at 10 a.m., and we’ll be streaming it on the CCN facebook page. Darrell Jackson will be your host if you can’t be there in person. The day is chock full of fun for the whole family. Check out the story on our website.

Next weekend is Pecan Harvest Festival in Whiteville. The largest event of the year for the city will feature vendors, special activities and programs, and much more. Some streets in downtown will be closed for the event. Look for more on Pecan Harvest Festival next week.

A nurse at the Tabor Prison was recognized for heroism this week. On Christmas Day 2022, Cherletta Scott was relaxing at home with family when a neighbor’s child was accidentally shot in the leg with a shotgun. Scott used her skills to treat the child while EMS was in route. The youngster made a full recovery. Scott was awarded a heroism award this week by Gov. Roy Cooper.

The Columbus Community Farmers Market on Government Drive in Whiteville will be selling chicken bog and barbecue again today. Come pick up some fresh-made lunch, and visit the vendors of local produce, arts and crafts, and much more. The market is open from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Next Saturday will be the Fair Bluff Market. Artisans, cooks, sellers of gently used items, arts and crafts and food vendors are welcome. Contact the Fair Bluff Chamber of commerce for information.

Trunk or Treat activities

Saturday, Oct. 28

  • Safe Night at Lake Waccamaw has been moved to East Columbus High School tonight starting at 6 p.m.
  • Union Baptist Church will have the Hallelujah Festival and trunk or treat from 3-4 p.m. UBC can be found at 2290 Old Northeast Road in Lake Waccamaw.
  • TheHallsborocommunity will be having their first ever trunk or treat at the Hallsboro Volunteer Fire Department from 6-8 p.m. Those who would like to participate by decorating their trunk and handing out candy are asked to contact Laura Elizabeth via Facebook.
  • Shiloh Church will be hosting a fall festival from 5-8 p.m. There will be plenty of food and fun. Shiloh islocatedat 7793 Hallsboro Rd. South.


Sunday, Oct. 29   

  • Fair Bluff Baptist Church has planned a trunk or treat from 4-6 p.m. There will be inflatables, face painting, a fairy hair station, crafts, hot dogs, popcorn, snacks, and trunks decorated and filled with candy. FBBC can be found at 1205 Main Street in Fair Bluff.
  • Piney Forest Baptist Church will present trunk or treat from 5-7:30 p.m. There will be food, games, and prizes. Hotdogs will also be served. The church islocated at 4509 Andrew Jackson Road SW in Cerro Gordo.
  • Chadbourn Baptist Church will be hosting their trunk or treat from 5-7 p.m. The evening will include a fire truck, face painting, a bouncy house, hayride, and more. The church’s address is 504 N. Howard Street.

Monday, Oct. 30

  • Premier Assisted Living and Rehab Center is having trunk or treat at the facility from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the parking lot. Premier islocatedat 106 Cameron Street in Lake Waccamaw.

Tuesday, Oct. 31

  • Southeastern Community College, the H.E.A.R.T.S. Foundation, and Columbus County Parks and Recreation will be holding a trunk or treat ‘Safe Nite’ for kids. The event is set for 6-8:30 p.m. at the college and will feature food, candy, games, and lots of fun for the little ones. If you have any questions about Safe Nite, contact Larry Everette at 910.733.3375 or Mariah Strickland at 910.788.6263.
  • The Whiteville Police Department will be having a Halloween bash from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Whiteville City Hall parking lot. The evening will include fun, games, and lots of candy.
  • Trinity Baptist Church will host a trunk or treat from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The church’s address is 201 South Thompson Street in Whiteville.

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About Jefferson Weaver 2658 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at