Note – the holiday season is always busy, and this year seems even moreso. For that reason, we’re adding a bonus segment of the Good News on the CCN website so you can keep up with what’s happening in your back yard in the next few days.
• The Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville will feature a program and craft about winter Thursday at 10:30 a.m. The program is geared toward ages 2-5 but older siblings are welcome too. No registration is required. The museum is located at Madison and Columbus streets in Whiteville.
• Columbus County Beekeepers will meet Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Cooperative Extension. Bring a side dish. New members are welcome. There will be an association meeting after the dinner.
• Columbus Christian Academy will host its Merry Christmas Market Saturday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. There’s no charge for admission. There will be local vendors, seasonal treats, and a silent auction. All money raised from this event will go to the elementary technology fund. For more information, or to be a vendor, email asellers@columbuschristianacademy.com.
• Ray’s Seafood and Produce will be hosting a special Christmas event Saturday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be a raffle and several drawings throughout the day. The event is sponsored in part by our buddy Lauren Wolff with Pretty Greens Microgreens. Call 910.899.66770 for more information.
• Olyphic Baptist Church, 19062 Seven Creeks Hwy., Tabor City, will host a live nativity Saturday from 6-8 p.m.
• The N.C. Nature Homeschool Group will meet Friday from 10:30 a.m. until noon. There will be a nature walk, winter Web, outdoor games, journaling and more. Go to ncnaturehomeschool.org or email Desiree at ncnhomeschool.gmail.com. Children 12 and under are welcome. Parents are required to attend.
• Families First is offering assistance to clients aided by the agency this year. You can sponsor a child or a family. Call 910.642.5996. Individuals and businesses are welcome.
There’s always room for your news and events in the Good News, heard of WTXY KOOL 1039 FM every Saturday, and throughout the week at columbuscountynews.com under the Good News tab. Email Jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com with your announcements, events and happy stories.