Feast Down East has announced the second round of winners for its inaugural Farmer Scholarship Program, through funds provided by the Resourceful Community Foundation.
The scholarships, valued up to $450 each, have been awarded to local farmers within 100 miles of Feast Down East’s Food Hub in Burgaw. The program specifically focuses on supporting beginner, first-generation, minority, and veteran farmers to provide funding for their operations and farms that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental stewardship.
The winning farms are:
Eastern NC Farmer Collaborative
Fairport Farms
NC Green Supply Co.
Old 30 Dirty Family Farm
Shades of AgriKulture
Stanistreet Farm
Swayback Branch Family Farm
“The Farmer Scholarship Program was created after noting barriers our farmers were experiencing in leveraging funds that could be invested into their farm businesses that could increase on-farm production and distribution opportunities. We are committed to supporting our local farming community and encouraging sustainable, responsible farming practices while addressing barriers experienced through innovative programs such as this. Feast Down East is proud to support our local farms, many of which are beginner, minority-owned or veteran-led,” said Jordyn Appel-Hughes, Executive Director.
Feast Down East offers regional farmers sales and distribution opportunities to diversified customer markets, in addition to technical assistance, education and the Farmer Scholarship program through their Food Hub. Allowing farmers financial security to focus on growing and raising healthy food, while keeping it affordable to their customers, and enhancing the local economy.
Through their Food Hub and Local Motive Mobile Farmers’ Market, Feast Down East programs are able to bring local healthy food throughout Wilmington and the surrounding area, reaching a wide range of customers with local, farm-fresh products. Among the locations served are From Tidal Creek Co-op, UNCW Campus Dining and Savorez. Feast down East also works with the Wilmington Housing Authority sites, CENC Food Bank and Novant Health clinics,
Feast Down East is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, and all donations are tax deductible.
The mission of Feast Down East is to strengthen the farming communities in and around the Southeastern North Carolina area by providing resources, education, and distribution opportunities to farmers while addressing equitable food access in communities with the greatest need. Learn more about Feast Down East at https://www.feastdowneast.org/ .