FOCUS Broadband announced Wednesday the completion of a propject that brought high speed internet to more than 2,750 homes iN columbus county.
The ReConnect Grant in Columbus County made high speed service available to homes and businesses in several rural parts of the county, including Tabor City, Hallsboro, Bolton, and Lake Waccamaw. Several areas north of Whiteville also now have access to high-speed fiber optic internet services.
The project was made possible through a $7.9 million ReConnect grant awarded to the company by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in December of 2019. As part of the project, FOCUS Broadband matched the grant funding with an additional $7.9 million for a total investment of nearly $16 million.
To date, FOCUS Broadband has been awarded more than $28 million dollars in state and federal grant funding to make high-speed internet available to over 10,000 homes and businesses in Columbus County. The company has also contributed an additional $15 million dollars in matching funds since 2011.
“We are incredibly grateful to the USDA, the County Board of Commissioners, and the residents of Columbus County for working with us to complete this project,” said said FOCUS Broadband CEO, Keith Holden. “It’s wonderful to see the impact of connecting communities and the importance of having access to such resources as telehealth and eLearning. This is a big win for the residents of Columbus County, and we are pleased to serve you,”
Columbus County Manager Eddie Madden said the project brings multiple benefits to the county.
“We are both pleased and excited to see the completion of the USDA ReConnect high speed internet project undertaken by FOCUS Broadband,” he said in a statement. “With funding from USDA, even more Columbus County residents and business owners now have access to high-speed internet which opens the doorway for learning, personal growth, and business development.”
Established in 1955 as a membership cooperative, FOCUS Broadband strives to bring needed communications services to rural areas across nine counties in southeastern North Carolina. Today, the company is the largest broadband cooperative in North Carolina.
FOCUS Broadband is currently working on several additional projects within the county to further expand high-speed internet access in areas Evergreen, Acme-Delco, Riegelwood, and Prosper. This project is estimated to serve more than 1,500 addresses and is utilizing a $4 million-dollar NCDIT GREAT Grant which was awarded to FOCUS Broadband in 2022. The project is expected to be completed during the third quarter of 2024.
FOCUS Broadband is a participant in the federal government’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Customers who qualify and sign up for ACP can receive a monthly discount of up to $30 off the price of internet service with some options that make broadband service available at no cost. Columbus County households with children enrolled in public school may meet program requirements, regardless of income, through the Public Schools of Columbus County’s participation in the federal Free and Reduced-Price School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.
To find out where FOCUS Broadband service is available in Columbus County, visit www.fasterColumbus.com. Residents and Businesses interested in signing up for FOCUS Broadband service can call 888-367-2862 to speak with a customer care representative.