The Good News for May 25

It’s Memorial Day weekend. Monday is the day we remember and honor all those brave Americans who gave their lives in service and defense of our great nation. Enjoy your time off and spend it with family, but take the time to reflect on why you are able to enjoy the freedoms we have. Those freedoms were bought and paid for with the lives of American soldiers, sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen who gave their all.

As is typical for our area, there’s a lot going on for Memorial Day.

The Field of Flags is up at the Veterans Memorial Park of America, located on U.s. 701 just south of Whiteville. Flags are available to purchase in honor or memory of those who have served. Stop by the park and enjoy the latest improvements to what is becoming a showplace for the county.

At Lake Waccamaw, the Flags in Flemington are once again flying. The flags will recognize the military service and sacrifice of all our men and women in uniform, their families at home, and, most importantly, those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Leading the effort were Terry and Kathy Simmons, Ricky Dorsey, and Mike and Charlotte Hollingsworth.

The Columbus Community Farmers Market offers a Senior Program to help people over 60 years old. It provides fresh produce, local raw honey and herbs. If you are interested or know someone who might be, contact Selena King at the Farmers Market.

The Columbus County Community Farmers Market is now open for its regular season. Fresh produce and eggs, handmade items, seafood and more are available at the market every Saturday from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. The market is located on Government complex Road, Whiteville. Saturday is Yard sale Day. Spots are open for $15 each.

Deans, directors, and program coordinators from Southeastern Community College hit the streets of Tabor City last week, delivering bags full of information on high school summer camps and continuing education courses. Apprenticeship Coordinator Denise Young packed 217 bags, and she said 200 were given out during the outreach event.

For more information about high school summer camps or continuing education courses, Visit our or call (910) 642-7141.

Monday is the Clarkton Community Day Parade. Lineup is at 9 a.m. at the E.J. Cox facility. The parade is at 1030. Call 910.494.8308 for more information.

Biologists with the Wildlife Resources commission spent much of the last week catching, tagging and checking out alligators at Lake Waccamaw. The annual study included students from Clemson university. The data compiled during the study could be used to help set up an alligator hunting season for North Carolina. It also helps provide information on the general health of the species at Lake Waccamaw.

There will be a world missions fundraiser barbecue plate sale June 8 at the Ritz Center at Tabor city. Plates are $10, and whole butts are $40. You can preorder by using cashapp to Robert Nealy ( $rnealy40 ), or pay with cash or check the day of the sale. There will be special music by the Nealeys, Jonboy Walton, Steve Orr and more. All proceeds go to the Nealeys foreign mission programs.

Columbus County Parks and Rec will host a volleyball clinic at West Columbus school July 29-31 for girls ages six to fifteen. Cost is $30, including snacks. Online preregistration is open until June 5.

Registration is now open for the Lake Waccamaw swim clinic sponsored by parks and Rec and Lake Waccamaw State Park. Registration is open until all 50 spots are filled.

Call 910.640.6624 for more information about either clinic.

The 2024 Watermelon Festival will be the last one with downtown Fair Bluff as it is now. Multiple historic buildings will be coming down after the festival. In fact, the town delayed demolition for the 2024 festival. Some of the buildings will be replaced with more flood resistant structures. A ribbon cutting is set for June 21 for one of the newest buildings.

Hallsboro residents are hosting the second annual Memorial Day weekend celebration this weekend. “A Day at the Park” is set for May 25 from 1-5 p.m., with music and family fun. There will be a raffle for cash and gift baskets. The “Weekend Wrapup” will be Sunday, May 26 from 2-4 p.m. with food, fun, games and entertainment. Call 910.646.4448 for more information.

Willing Vessels Ministries will hold a chicken bog benefit dinner June 1 at Murf’s Pawn on Madison Street in Whiteville. Proceeds will go to a local widow who is unable to work due to an extended illness. Plates will be $10, and pre-orders are encouraged. Contact Willing Vessels Ministry via Facebook for more information.

There will be a chicken bog plate sale supporting the Wyoming Mission trips June 1 at China Grove Baptist Church, 2903 Old Stake Road, Chadbourn. Plates are $10, and will be available from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.

We always have room for your happy stories, chuch news, civic club events, Good Samaritan stories, little kids with big fish – anything to help lighten someone’s day, we have room for it on the GOOD News on Columbus County News Dot com and Saturdays on WTXY. Email with your Good News.

About Jefferson Weaver 2678 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at