Rain Reschedules Festival Concert

Downtown Fair Bluff (Lumber River visitor Center photo)
Downtown Fair Bluff (Lumber River visitor Center photo)

Friday night’s Fair Bluff Reunion with Pizazz has been pushed back to April, but the Watermelon Festival is still on schedule.

The concert was the kickoff for the Watermelon Festival Saturday. Organizers said that due to the increased rain chances, the concert will now be part of Barbecue on the Bluff.

Friday’s event was also a last chance for current and former Fair Bluff residents a chance to see the downtown area one more time before it is demolished. Many of the buildings were irreparably damaged during hurricanes Matthew and Florence. The town has obtained grants to revitalize the downtown area and make it more flood resistant. The start of the project was delayed to give festival-goers a chance to say goodbye to the century-old landmarks that will soon be razed.

A guest book at the Lumber River Visitors Center will be available for folks to share memories of the old downtown.

About Jefferson Weaver 2646 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at jeffersonweaver@ColumbusCountyNews.com.