The Good News for Sept. 13

Nancy Moss Smith and her new friend dropped by the CCN office for a visit the other day.

The rainy weather cancelled or postponed a number of events – even football – in our area, but there’s still plenty going on, rain or shine.

Dr. Howard Wallace

• The Southeastern Genealogical Society will meet Saturday at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church. Dr. Howard Marshall Wallace will detail the history of sweet potato production in Columbus County. The meeting begins at 2, but members often arrive early to share family history. Everyone is welcome.

• Whiteville Police Sgt. Chuck Arnold recently suffered a severe brain bleed while responding to a call while on duty. He is currently in Novant New Hanover and will be hospitalized for an extended period of time. The sergeant’s wife, Pam, has been by his side since the incident. WPD is asking for donations to assist Sgt. Arnold and his wife over the next several weeks. Donations are being accepted by CashApp and Venmo. You can also donate at Whiteville Police Department (117 E. Columbus St, Whiteville NC 28472).

• Nakina Pentecostal Holiness Church will host revival services Sept. 23-26 at 7 p.m. each night. Pastor Jerome Bullard of Bridge of Life church in Leland will be speaker. Nakina PHC is located at  9745 Seven Creeks Highway.

Nancy Moss Smith and her new friend dropped by the CCN office for a visit the other day.

• You know we have to have a puppy story of the week. Our dear friend, Nancy Moss Smith, spotted a scared, skinny puppy running loose in traffic at Sunshine Cleaners last week. Nancy being Nancy, she corralled the little fellow with the help of some passersby.

After making the rounds of the Whiteville Police and Fire Department, then Animal Protective Services, she ended up taking him home to foster. The poor fellow was about half starved. He’s what is called a brindle splotch pit bull, an unusual color for around here. Nancy is working on getting him a permanent home.

• Speaking of dogs and cats, the shelter is currently full. If you are considering adding a new pet to your family, call them at 910,.641.3954, check the Columbus Animal Protective services social media pages, or go by the shelter on Legion Drive. Last month’s free adoptions helped some, but there are still dozens of pets in need of new homes. Please, folks – take advantage of the discounted spay and neuter programs in our area, and get your critters fixed. There aren’t enough homes for all of the puppies and kittens popping up in our area.

• Remember how mama used to frantically clean the house whenever company was coming? This is your chance to do the same. Whiteville businesses are being asked to spruce up for some company. The city will be hosting a NC Mainstreet meeting in less than two weeks. More than 100 visitors from across the state expected to attend. This meeting presents a valuable opportunity for the City of Whiteville to be selected as a host and showcase all our wonderful businesses. Business owners are encouraged to remove your sandbags and maybe put a little extra shine on our already nice downtown.

• Sherone Hough is the new principal of East Columbus Jr.-Sr. High School. The Riegelwood native holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bennett College and a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Coastal Carolina University.

She comes to East with 24 years of experience. She started in the Darlington County School District as a science teacher and later worked as a Curriculum Coordinator for Math and Science. In 2019, Ms. Hough joined the Whiteville City School District as an Assistant Principal at Central Middle School and Edgewood Elementary School. Her personal motto is each one, teach one.

• St. Paul AME Zion Church on Moneyhole Road in Freeman has a food pantry every Thursday at noon. Everyone is welcome.

• It may only be September, but it’s not too early to be planning your Halloween costume. Downtown Whiteville will once again host its adult costume party at Vineland Station on oct. 25 at 7 p.m. Cost is $20 for adults 21 and over. There will be prizes awarded for the best individual and couples costumes.

Rev. Lamont Hemminger and his wife Alicia had this unwelcome visitor at their home this week.

• Alicia and Lamont Hemminger had a most unwelcome visitor at their home this past week — an alligator about five feet long. The gator was a long way from any major waterway, so it’s speculated the saurian was using the ditches in the area to scout one new territory. The critter eventually made its way on down the road.

• Southeastern Community College will host a student mental health and wellness day at the Nesmith Student Center Sept. 19 from 11 until 1. There will be games, popcorn, and information and educational resources available.

 • Transformation Church will hold a Boston butt sale October 5. Cost is $25. All proceeds go to the building fund. Contact JonBoy Walton or Rae Lennon via Facebook.

• Transformation Church and MilkB4 Meat Ministries will host its second annual Night of Praise September 21. There will be music and a special message by Pastor Heath Connor of Emerson Original Free Will Baptist church. The service will be at 6354 James B. white Hwy. South of Whiteville. Everyone is welcome. Transformation meets at 10 a.m. every Sunday in the Lebanon fellowship hall.

• Braille resources are now available for blind children at Columbus County Smart Start. The Early Learning Family and Resource Center worked with the school system to make available materials ranging from learning aids to a free Braille book distribution program. Call 910-642-8226 for more information.

• The fourth annual Columbus County Partnership for children golf tourney is September 27 at Vineland Golf Course. It’s the first time the group will host the event at Vineland. Call 910.642.8226 for registration and sponsorship information.

• The Cape Fear Masonic Lodge #300, PHA of Elizabethtown is hosting the Prince Hall Day Community Celebrations Saturday and Sunday at Leinwand Park in  Elizabethtown.  There will be food, games for the kids, bounce houses and entertainment.  Saturday is a full day of fun and activities.  The celebration concludes on Sunday with a special religious service scheduled for 5 p.m. at Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church, 4047 NC 242 Highway South, Elizabethtown.  It features Rev. Carl Smith  of  Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church in  Council.

• Applications are available for the Columbus County Fair Queen pageant, to be held Oct. 12. Application deadline for all five divisions is September 18. See this story on our website for the form, or call Jan Hardee at 910.840.9431.

We always have room for your church announcements, civic club news, special events, birthdays, pageant winners, celebrations, Good Samaritans, little kids with big fish and anything else that makes you smile. There is never a charge for sharing your news at Columbus County News Dot com. Email, call 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison Street, Whiteville. We love visitors.

About Jefferson Weaver 2671 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at