Good Saturday, everyone. This is Jefferson Weaver with the GOOD NEWS from Columbus County News Dot com.
Today is the free community Thanksgiving meal at the Murph’s Pawn parking lot on Madison Street in Whiteville. Transformation Church and Welcome PFWB are hosting the annual tradition. Everyone is welcome. Serving starts at 11:30 a.m.
Our friends at Columbus Animal Protective Services will be closed to intakes and strays this week, as the shelter undergoes a deep cleaning. Only emergency calls will be accepted through December 2. If you have a true animal emergency, call 911.
Remember the Columbus County Farmers Market is open from 8 until 2 today. You can find everything from local produce to fresh farm eggs, arts and crafts, handmade local jewelry and candles. Best of all, it’s all locally produced. The market is on Government Complex Drive in North Whiteville.
The Veterans Memorial Park of America will be a stop for the Wall that Heals next spring. The Wall that heals is a full size replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC, and features a large traveling museum telling the stories of combat casualties from that war. It also features a collection of items left behind by visitors to the wall in Washington. The wall is set up in multiple locations across the country every year. Park volunteer Angela Norris said it is a major honor to be chosen by the Wall’s parent non-profit, and the visit is expected to be one of the biggest events yet at the park.
The changing weather is leading to changing habits in two wild species in our area – white tail deer and coyotes. Deer are in the early stages of breeding season right now, which means bucks are sometimes not as attentive as they should be about crossing roads. It’s also the height of hunting season, so hound hunters are a common sight along area roadways. Keep an eye out, especially at dawn and dusk, and slow down if you see deer, deer hunters or deer hounds.
Coyotes are also on the move hunting for food. Young males have separated from their family packs and are looking for new territories as well as new packs. This will mean they may be seen more frequently in residential areas. Removing outside food sources, securing small pets such as cats, dogs, and poultry, and hazing coyotes with lights and noise will help drive them away. It’s legal to shoot coyotes outside of municipalities all year.
You need to get your orders in for the East Columbus Swamp Keepers education foundation pork chop plate sale. Plates are $10 and will be available December 6 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Call or text 910.617.9056.
Donayre Cancer Center and the Whiteville Police are collecting food and essentials for the patient pantry at the center. The items needed include nonperishable foods and canned meat and personal hygiene products. Donations can be dropped off at the Whiteville Police Department on Columbus Street, or the Donayre Center at 500 Jefferson Street. Call 910.640.4077 for more.
Transformation Church hosts their turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday night at 6 p.m. at 9955 James B. White Highway South. Hot dogs and drinks will be available. Cost is five dollars per shot, with all proceeds going to the church building fund.
Evergreen Fire Department has a turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday through November starting at 7 p.m. Food is available nightly. Only stock guns are allowed.
The Veterans Memorial Park will host a turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday beginning December 6 starting at 7 p.m. The shoots will be held through December 23 at the park.
Remember to let us know when and where you are hosting a shoot, so we can get it on our schedule.
Thanks for joining us today for the Good News. We always have room for your church announcements, community events, pageant winners, civic club news, little kids with big fish, Good Samaritans, volunteer opportunities – anything that will brighten someone’s day, there’s room for it on the Good News, and it’s always free. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, hit us up on Facebook, call 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 S. Madison Street, Whiteville. We love visitors.
For Columbus County News Dot Com, this is Jefferson Weaver. Thanks for sharing the GOOD NEWS.