News Briefs for January 30, 2025
Trafficking, drug and firearm charges were filed against a Whiteville area man Monday after a raid on Sycamore Lane. Thurman Delean Jenrette is under $150,000 secured bond, charged with trafficking cocaine, felony sale of marijuana, possession of a stolen firearm and other charges.
Firefighters returned to the scene of a fire on Crusoe Island Wednesday. The home in the 2800 block had no power when it was destroyed by fire January 24. Fire Marshal Shannon Blackman said there were no 911 calls about the blaze until Friday, two days later.
N.C. 410 was blocked for hours Thursday while crews cleared a collision between a pickup and an empty log truck. Traffic was backed up for hours while firefighters and DOT personnel cleaned up a large diesel spill. The Highway Patrol said the driver of a pickup failed to stop at an intersection and struck the log truck.
Saturday’s benefit plate sale for the children of Misty Cribb raised more than $10,000. The proceeds were divided evenly between her daughters Rhea and Kyla and stepson Maddox. Kyla is still hospitalized at UNC Chapel Hill recovering from injuries sustained in the crash that killed Misty. Maddox is recovering at home.