The Good News will now be published on Wednesday afternoons at Columbuscountynews.com. The program will still be broadcast on WTXY KOOL 1039 on Saturday mornings. We’ve also added the Good News to our CCN Radio lineup as well.
Since announcements and stories for the Good News sometimes don’t come together as soon as we like, we’ll be editing the Good News on CCN to reflect changes for last minute announcements.
We are also expanding our church news section. Send us your service information, address, website or social media information, and any special srvices so we can share it with our readers.
Remember to check back with the Good News throughout the week for updates on additional events.
It has been a lovely couple of days in Columbus County, if you like snow. Some of our younger folks have never seen snow in person before. You can see their pictures in our slideshow on social media as well as the CCN home page.
You know we like sharing heroes and Good Samaritan’s each week. There are almost too many to mention in this week’s good news. From the state and city crews who are still working to keep the roads safe to the ever-patient telecommunications folks in the county 911 center, all our first responders and front line workers deserve a round of applause and a cup of hot chocolate. Some of those men and ladies were out in single digit wind chills making sure emergency calls were answered, and roads were safe for those going to help others. We can’t thank you enough.
Add to that the others who stepped up where needed.
David Vernon Watts volunteered to make deliveries for the elderly in Tabor City. The ever-cheerful Laura Elizabethtown Norton went above and beyond with customer service in Hallsboro. A Good Samaritan who didn’t want his name mentioned has been reaching out to local homeless and other folks in need to make sure they were warm and fed, and to be sure they could get to the warming station at Facts of Life Church.
Retiring Lake Waccamaw Police Chief Scott Hyatt got to introduce some area kids to what passes for sledding in our area, thanks to the new embankments on U,S, 74.
Keisha Crawmer showed that even wild things need a hand sometimes. She spotted an injured possum at Honey Hill and Sam Potts Highway Tuesday while the snow was falling, and got the grumpy critter to a licensed rehabilitator.
- The warming station is open from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. Nightly at Facts of Life Church, 506 N. Lee Street, Whiteville. Pastor Daisy Brooks said hours will be extended on extremely cold days. Volunteers are needed from area churches and civic groups. Donations of baby supplies, coffee, bottled water and toilet paper are urgently needed. Call 910.918.4531.

A fundraiser plate sale for the family and children of Misty Cribb will be held Saturday from 11 until 2 p.m. at Murf’s Pawn in Whiteville and Happy Home Baptist Church in Nakina. Tickets are $10. Tickets are available at a number of area locations.
Volunteers are needed for the Cribb family fundraiser. A meeting and prayer fellowship will be held Friday at 6 p.m. at Happy Home Church in Nakina.
See this story online for more, or call 910.625.0952 for tickets.
Speaking of the Cribb family, the youngest victim in that tragic car crash is continuing her recovery at UNCH Hospitals. Kyla Mae sustained major injuries to her neck and spine, and will be months in recovery. She had a special visitor this week, a comfort dog named Della Mae. Kyla’s aunt Ashlee Roby is providing regular updates on Facebook documenting Kyla’s progress. Her stepbrother Maddox is home and recovering. Keep the entire family in your thoughts and prayers, please.
Western Prong Baptist Church will hold a meeting January 26 for anyone interested in volunteering for the upcoming Tim Tebow Night To Shine. The meeting will be at 4 p.m. at the church. Western Prong is located between Whiteville and Clarkton, at 167 Peacock Road.
The Forest Service is offering two state certified prescribed burner classes this year. The class is $25, and will include classroom, virtual learning and field work. Classes are set for May 19-22and October 20-23. For more information, go to ncforestservice.gov.
The Piney Forest Baptist Church JOY Group will host Empower Her 2025 on Feb. 1 from 9 a.m. until noon. Lynn Cowell and Amy Carroll will be special speakers, with praise and worship music from the Crossroads Band. There will be fellowship, door prizes, books and merchandise, and more. Tickets are $20. Call 910.625.5205 or 910.770.1292. Piney Forest is Located at 4509 Andrew Jackson Hwy. SW, Chadbourn.
The Columbus Baptist Association Spring Revival is set for March 10-13 at Hallsboro Baptist Church, 551 Hallsboro Rd. South. Guest speakers will be Rev. Joshua Connor of Pleasant Plains Baptist; Rev. Phil Addison of Bolton Baptist; Rev. Ryan Edwards of Clarendon Baptist, and Dr. George Strickland of Cerro Gordo Baptist. There will be special music each night.
Remember we never charge for your church announcements, civic club news, birthdays and anniversaries, Good Samaritan and hero stories, little kids with big fish, or happy news of any kind.
Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com; call us at 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison St., Whiteville. We love visitors. If the blinds are open, we’re open for business.