We have mentioned Nancy Etheridge Varney before. From being one of the first on deck helping save historic records at our CCN office during Hurricane Idalia, to rescuing a kitten in the middle of the road during a rainstorm, our friend Nancy is no stranger to most in Columbus County. The Crusoe native works tirelessly to preserve the history of our county, especially that of her beloved Crusoe Island.
Miss Nancy and her nephew’s wife, Nicci Gore, were headed home the other day when they saw something moving in a roadside ditch. Thinking it was a hurt animal, they pulled over to help. It turned out it was an elderly gentleman who had fallen while checking the mail. Nancy said the ditch was rather deep, and the movement she saw was the man desperately waving his cane. There’s no telling how long he might have laid there stuck in the mud had the ladies not come along when they did.
Thankfully he was unhurt. They helped him out of the ditch, and made sure he was okay. While he was wet and cold, he was able to go on about his day thanks to this week’s bonus Good Samaritans, Nancy Etheridge Varney and Nicci Gore — CCN Community Heroes.
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