The Good News for March 19-26

Health Department Director Kim Smith was honored by county commissioners Monday. (Columbus county photo)



Whether you’re looking for something fun for the family, something good to eat, or to help with a good cause, there’s plenty of good news in Columbus County this week.

  • Celebrate the Arts, North Carolina’s Largest Student Arts Festival, is this Saturday (March 22) from 4:30 -9:30 p.m at South Columbus High School. The event is a partnership between Columbus County Schools and Whiteville City Schools, and features performances and artwork from more than 1,000 students. Admission is free.
  • Adrianna Collins

    Tickets are on sale for the Adrianna Collins cancer fundraiser. Adrianna, 21, is the daughter of Jeremy and Amanda Collins. Plates will include barbecue, cole slaw, beans, rolls and dessert, and can be picked up at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church Friday. Cost is $12. Call 910.234.6073 for more information.

  • Columbus Baptist Association just wrapped up revival services, but the work isn’t slowing down. Volunteers are needed for Friday’s chicken bog fundraiser at the Lowe’s parking lot in Whiteville. Help is needed for set up, service, and delivery. The sale is from 3-8 p.m. Friday. All proceeds go to the Nicaraguan mission trip this summer. That’s this Friday at Lowe’s in Whiteville.
  • The fifth annual Yacunne Fish Camp is April 11-12 in Bolton, and the Waccamaw Siouan STEM Studio needs your help. Volunteers are needed for registration, rod rigging, and food service. The event open to everyone. Contact the STEM Studio via Facebook or the Waccamaw Siouan Tribal center for more.
  • The Anchorage at Lake Waccamaw will hold church skate night April 18 from 5:30-9:30. Cost is $15 per person, with kids five and under free. The evening includes dinner, skating, axe throwing a climbing wall, batting cage, Gator Golf and more. Call910.646.4111 for more.
  • The Columbus Baptist Association mission team is gathering donations for the next Nicaraguan mission trip. Hard candy, coloring books, child-safe scissors, jump ropes, kitchen utensils, beachballs and other items are needed. Call 910.642.2155 for more information. The deadline is June 10.

This Week’s Good Samaritan

County Health Director Kim Smith is retiring this year after 20 years with the county. Miss Kim has been in the forefront in the battles of reducing unwanted pregnancy, mosquitoes and skeeter-borne illnesses, drug abuse, child dental health, mental health, and of course, the pandemic. She has never been a loud voice, but always a strong and confident one when it comes to matters pertaining to the health needs of Columbus County. Smith was recently honored statewide as health director of the year. County commissioners thanked her for her service Monday at their regular meeting.

She has never been one to talk down to folks in need, and has always been a fierce advocate for the children in Columbus County. While she is a dedicated health care worker, Miss Kim also has been a good steward of tax dollars, pursuing every additional dime that could be located for the health of the people of Columbus, increasing and improving services while avoiding requests that might require a tax increase.

Kim Smith has truly shown what kind of quality people call Columbus County home, and continues to work hard – too hard, some might say – trying to keep Columbus County healthy. She may have just been doing her job, but she’s always done more than that. For her years of unsung heroism, Kim Smith is our Good Samaritan of the Week.

More News From Our Community

  • Milk Before Meat and Transformation Church will host Funday Sunday at Nolan Park in Whiteville March 30. Events start at 10 a.m. with worship. There will be activities, lunch and fellowship. The church and ministry will also host a sidewalk service April 27 at 200 Columbus Corners Drive, Whiteville. Worship begins at 6 p.m. See the Milk B4 Meat Facebook page for more information.
  • Nakina alum Raven Williamson is asking for submissions from anyone with photos and pictures from Nakina school circa 1952-1992. Copies of the pictures will be displayed in the restaurant in Nakina in June. Contact Williamson via Facebook for more.
  • The Wall That Heals needs volunteers during its visit to the Veterans Memorial Park in April. Angela Norris of the park said 200 volunteers are needed to serve four-hour shifts around the clock, as well as helping set up and tear down the display. Hundreds of veteran motorcycle club members will escort the wall through Whiteville on April 23. The wall is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. See this story on our website for more information.
  • Barbecue on the Bluff is April 26, and organizers have added a new event to the Fair Bluff favorite this year. The Oink-a-Walk along the riverwalk will see which little piggy makes it to the finish line. To sign up, go to
  • April 5-11 is this year’s National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)’s Week of the Young Child. To kickstart the week, Columbus County Partnership for Children (CCPC) will have its Family Fun Festival April 5 at Columbus County Fitness Park. This free event is geared toward children ages birth to 5 years old and their families.
  • Peace Fellowship Church will hold a Blessing of the Animals service March 29 from 10-11:30 a.m. The church is located at 5847 Red Hill Rd., Whiteville. All animals are welcome. Please have them on a leash or in a carrier. Contact Pastor Jerry Dalton at 843.283.7298 for more information.

Remember to check back with the Good News throughout the week for updates on additional events. We never charge for your church announcements, civic club news, birthdays and anniversaries, Good Samaritan and hero stories, little kids with big fish, or happy news of any kind.

Email ; call us at 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison St., Whiteville. We love visitors. If the blinds are open, we’re open for business.

About Jefferson Weaver 2700 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at

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