Municipal elections Tuesday

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Tuesday is the last chance for voters in most area municipalities to elect mayors and board members.

Every town except Lake Waccamaw has seen a low turnout for municipal election early voting, according to the Board of Elections. Whiteville will hold its city council and mayoral aces in March. Census data needed for redistricting wasn’t delivered to the city — and around 100 other North Carolina communities — in time for a November or December election. Council voted to delay the city races until March.

Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 in Boardman, Bolton, Chadbourn, Brunswick, Cerro Gordo, Fair Bluff, Lake Waccamaw, Sandyfield and Tabor City. Whiteville’s elections will be held in March, due to possible redistricting in the city.

In Tabor City, James Lamont Grate and incumbent Sam Rogers are vying for one seat on the board.

 Incumbents Leonard Hall and former mayor Perry Dixon are on the ballot for the two seats open on the Sandyfield council. Neither is opposed.

In Boardman, Mayor Eric Williamson is unopposed for reelection. Tevis Britt, Crystal Rogers, and Minnie Turbeville face a challenge from William Donald Britt. The three highest vote counts determine who will be on the board in Boardman.

Bolton Mayor Shawn Maynor is facing a challenge from C. Bryant smith. Daniel Lee “Danny Boy” Brown and Gary Graham are running for the single alderman seat on the ballot. 

Brunswick voters have four incumbents on the ballot – Tammy Blackmon, Nancy Hill, Alonzo McArthur, and Shirley Moore. Brunswick commissioners choose the town’s mayor from the board after they are sworn in.

In Cerro Gordo, David White is unopposed for mayor, as are incumbent council members Tracey Blackwell, Jeffery Greene and Lisa McKee.

Fair Bluff voters can choose to reelect Mayor Billy Hammond, who is unopposed. Grayson Jarvis is the sole challenger in the town commissioners races, where Randy Britt, Lester Drew and  Clarice Faison are running for reelection, Three seats are available in Fair Bluff.

In Chadbourn, voters could choose to put a husband and wife on the council. Shannon Britt, wife of Mayor Phillip Britt, is running for one of the three council seats on the ballot this time. Danny Clewis and Rashad Roberts are the only incumbents, while former policeman Tracey Ritchart, Rev. Anthony Cartrette, and Marie Kelley are rounding out a hotly-contested field in Chadbourn.

One of the most watched town elections in the county is at Lake Waccamaw. Mayor Daniel Hilburn opted not to run for reelection, and commissioners Matt Wilson and Rosemary Dorsey are both vying for the town’s top slot. In the West Ward, incumbent Frank Carroll is facing an aggressive campaign by Amanda Worley, and in the East Ward, Theresa McKeithan is unopposed for the seat currently held by Dorsey.

Polling places that are open Tuesday are

• Bolton Fire Department

• Cerro Gordo Town Hall

• Chadbourn municipal annex

• Lake Waccamaw Fire Department

• Ransom Center (Sandyfield)

• Tabor City Courthouse

• Fair Bluff Fire and Rescue Dept.
• South Whiteville (Brunswick) — Abundant Life Church Fellowship Hall

Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m.

About Jefferson Weaver 2685 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at