It’s almost springtime. We have daffodils and jonquils blooming, other flowers beginning to bud, and any number of signs that the annual renewal is slowly getting underway after a long cold winter.
Here are some things happening in our area, as well as a few stories you may have missed along the way.
- Our friends with the Southeastern Swamp Stewards will have a meetup Thursday at Y’Vull Axes and Ales in downtown Whiteville at 6 p.m. It’s a good time to find out more about the local chapter of the N.C. Wildlife Federation and all they do for conservation.
They’re also hosting a program on red wolves March 14 at 3:30 p.m. in Leland. The same program will be March 15 at 10:30 a.m. at the Museum of Science in Whiteville. For more about the Swamp Stewards, find them on Facebook.
- Davene Cox Fowler will present a paper on “Kinship of the Members of St. Paul Methodist Church” Saturday at the Southeastern Genealogical Society Meeting. The meeting starts at 2 p.m. The presentation was written by Richard Wright, and focuses on Margaret Cox Lay Wright. Fowler is a member of St. Paul and a Christian recording artist, with five CDs to her name. She performed vocals and instrumentals at one of the events for the Presidential Prayer Breakfast service in Washington, D.C., for the George W. Bush Inauguration.
Michael and Alecia Myrie of the Sheepdog Foundation are petitioning the state to officially recognize June 12 as Women Veteran Recognition Day. They are gathering signatures for a petition to submit to our state representatives.
They are hosting the first annual Women Veteran Appre-SHE-ation Picnic in June 2025, and a Combat Female Veterans Day celebration in May. Dates and further details will be announced.
The Sheepdogs will also be holding their annual Cookout for Cops May 14 at their new foundation building, 429 South Lee Street in Whiteville.
- Tickets are on sale for the Adrianna Collins cancer fundraiser. Adrianna, 19, is the daughter of Jeremy and Amanda Collins. Plates will include barbecue, cole slaw, beans, rolls and dessert, and can be picked up at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church March 21.
Adrianna Collins Cost is $12. Call 910.234.6073 for more information.
- Southern Farm Days is coming up the third weekend in March. The 15th annual festival features and celebrates all things rural and historical.
Organizers have made some changes this year to keep the event interesting. Look for more on Southern Farm Days at Columbuscountynews.com. - Gores Chapel will hold revival March 9-12 with Rev. Israel Formyduval. Sunday night service starts at 6 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday at 7. The church is located at 36 Gores Chapel Road, Nakina.
- Lake Waccamaw Methodist Church will have revival services March 16-19. Rev. Andy Lambert will be guest speaker March 16-17, with special music by the Wilmington Celebration Choir and Willing Heart. Rev. Tim Reaves will lead services March 18-19, with Willing Heart and Sherry Melvin providing special music. Nursery will be available every night. Wednesday is a special service focused on healing. Dinner is served at 5:15 p.m., with worship at 6:30 p.m. LWMC is located at 506 Lakeshore Drive. Everyone is welcome.
- Iron Hill Baptist Church will host revival services March 16-19. Speakers will be Jordan McPherson, Mark Player, Jonathan Buffkin and Brian Locklear. Iron Hill is located at 22247 Peacock Rd., Tabor City.
Keith Plott will bring special music to the Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m. Sunday night worship is at 6 p.m., and weeknights at 7 p.m.
- The Columbus Baptist Association Spring Revival is set for March 10-13 at Hallsboro Baptist Church, 551 Hallsboro Rd. South. Guest speakers will be Rev. Joshua Connor of Pleasant Plains Baptist; Rev. Phil Addison of Bolton Baptist; Rev. Ryan Edwards of Clarendon Baptist, and Dr. George Strickland of Cerro Gordo Baptist. There will be special music each night.
- Peace Fellowship Church will hold a Blessing of the Animals service March 29 from 10-11:30 a.m. The church is located at 5847 Red Hill Rd., Whiteville. All animals are welcome. Please have them on a leash or in a carrier. Contact Pastor Jerry Dalton at 843.283.7298 for more information.
- Acme Delco Elementary School will host Michael Cunningham’s Crowns art exhibition March 7-20. The show focuses on Sunday hats worn by African American women. ADES students worked with an area artist to create mosaics which will be displayed along with the photography. The exhibition is free.
- Special Olympics is coming back to Columbus County on April 9. The field day will be at the Whiteville High soccer field. Sponsors are needed for the event. Contact Kristen Greene or Columbus County Special Olympics via Facebook messenger for more information.
- The Forest Service will hold prescribed burner licensing May 19-22. Certified Burner classes are delivered through a combination of virtual classroom sessions and in-person group field activities. Topics to be covered include North Carolina’s Prescribed Burn Act, weather, fuels, topography, fire danger rating, managing smoke, firing techniques and burn plans. Participants will need suitable hardware for virtual learning environments, i.e., laptop or tablet, microphone, as well as reliable high-speed internet. Cost is $25.
- Go to ncforestservice.gov.
Remember to check back with The Good News throughout the week for updates on additional events.
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